Arc 1 chapter 6: oh, Alice|second fiddle.

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It was a peaceful day. A day where I wasn't bound to hanging out with others.

A day off from my career as an actor, if you would.

I was sitting outside on a bench, reading a new book I had gotten from the library. It was about a man who viewed the place he lived in as a cage, and the people of his world as his oppressors.

Obviously, I related to the man on some small level.

My time in the white room was hell. I hated every second of it, from the first moment I remember seeing it, to when I left.

I was glad to be free of it.


I heard the sound off to my right, but I paid it no mind.


Again I heard the sound.


I looked over to where the sound was coming from.

I saw a small, white haired girl carrying a cane. From the looks of it, it wasn't simply a fashion statement. She was leaning quite heavily on it, but her legs seemed to be in perfectly working condition.

Judging by the way she carried it on her left side instead of her right, which I could tell was the hand she wrote with, I determined that it must be something related to her heart. Perhaps her heart was very weak?

I stopped looking, and returned to my book.


The sound of her cane hitting the floor again.


I waited for her cane to drop again.


I looked up, to see her standing over me, smiling slightly.

I had hoped to not have to be nice today, but it seemed my wish would not be granted today.

"May I help you with something?" I asked, politely.

"May I sit beside you, Kiyotaka-kun?" The girl asked.

I was surprised she knew my name. I certainly didn't know hers.

"I suppose we have a mutual acquaintance, then, miss..." I asked, waiting for her to give me her name.

"Sakayanagi. Sakayanagi Arisu. And no, no one has told me your name. In fact, this is not our first time meeting, Kiyotaka-kun," she said.

"I see. I must have met you last weak. In fact, I do think I remember talking with you at some point," I lied.

I don't ever remember seeing this girl in my life. My memory must either be flawed, which is highly unlikely, or she was lying.

"Fufufu, no. In fact, the last time I saw you was 8 years 305 days ago," she said, still smiling.

"I think you must be mistaken. I never forget a face. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment," I said, standing up as if to leave.

When my back was turned to her, I asked her a question.

"Where...did you meet me?" I asked, quietly.

"Where else? The white roo-"

I looked around to see if there were any security cameras or witnesses. Within the span of the same second, I grabbed Sakayanagi by the throat, lifted her up and pinned her to the bench.

And now I stared at her, my hand still around her throat, tight enough to restrain her and cause discomfort, but not so tight as to block airflow.

"What is it you want from me?" I asked.

"Hm...nothing, yet. I simply want to bury the masterpiece," she replied.

"And what's stopping me from burying you right now?" I asked, holding up a fist.

"Nothing. Go right ahead, if that is what you wish. But...please know that I would never spill your secret to anyone," she said.

I loosened my grip a little.


"Fufufu...I want our competition to last a little longer. It's only just begun, after all," she giggled.

From what I understood now, it seemed that she must think we're on an equal playing field, academically speaking. She must want to prove that 'the masterpiece' is nothing more than a facsimile of true talent. I could see that she was a calculating, smart individual.

I released my grip.

"'s good to see you again, Kiyotaka-kun!" Said Sakayanagi, waving as she left.

"Please, tell Katsuragi I was right. I knew you had congestive heart failure. He thought it was simple cardiovascular disease, but I suppose I was right," I said, smiling and waving back.

Her eyes widened a little as I said this.

Of course, I hadn't actually talked to Katsuragi yet, much less discussed Sakayanagi's condition with him, but by thinking I had someone keeping tabs on her, I would be able to wage psychological warfare with her.

And, since I didn't know who she was, she'll likely think I am playing other mind games with her too, making her think that I'm one step ahead (which I likely will be).

Today was an interesting day.

Unknown POV

It was our second week of school now, and class had just ended.

I went over to talk to a group of girls.

"Hey, does anyone want to come out with me this evening? I thought maybe we could do some karaoke?" I asked.

"Thanks, but...I've already made plans to hang out with Ayanokouji-kun this evening! He says he's booked 5 tables at pallet café. It's gonna be so awesome!" Said Karuizawa.

"Yeah. Who knew you'd find your estranged cousin here, Karuizawa-san! That's so cool! Even better, he's totally so hot!" Said Satou, blushing.

A few other girls nodded along with her.

"But, you can come with us if you'd like, Kushida-san," offered Karuizawa.

"Yeah, sure! All that matters is I'm hanging out with you guys," I complimented them.

For fuck's sake.

Why was I playing second to some playboy?

Damn, I wished he would just die already.

I would have to go to the rooftop later to relieve some stress.

Starting in class B: Ayanokouji the actor.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora