Arc 1 chapter 1: Horikita|Ichinose

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I caught up with the girl outside the gate made from naturally formed rock that lead to the school grounds.

"Wait," I said.

She turned to face me.

"You? What do you want?" She asked nonchalantly.

"I want to know your name," I said.

"And why would you want to know that?" She asked further, looking a little more annoyed.

"Well..." I started. Time to put my acting lessons to good use.

"It's not everyday a beautiful woman like you saves someone insignificant such as myself from such extreme danger. And in such style, too. You were like a warrior from an old tale," I complimented her.

I was taught that, by playing to someone's ego enough, and making them feel like they're better than you, often had the effect of them liking you.

She blushed, and averted her gaze.

"T-thank you," she muttered.

"May I know your name?" I asked again.

She regained her composure slightly, turned on her heel, and started to walk away.

"It's Horikita," she said, as she walked off.

Horikita, huh?

Nope. I don't think she'd be up for buying alcohol.

As I reached the class labelled 1-B, I put my bag at my desk, and instantly walked over to the large group of people talking near the middle of the classroom.

In order to become known and trusted quickly, it would be imperative that I start forming connections with as many people as soon as possible.

"Who's this? Are you in our class?" A girl with long, strawberry-blonde hair asked.

"Yes, I am. My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. I can't wait to hang out with you all," I said, flashing a smile.

A few of the girls blushed a little at my introduction.

It was no use denying it: I was pretty good looking. Saying otherwise would be false modesty. Simply put: I wasn't exactly a supermodel, but I was better than your average good-looking playboy.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Ayanokouji-kun. My name is Ichinose Honami. I too, can't wait to be friends with you," the strawberry girl said.

I met quite a few people that day. Not many of them were really worthy of my attention, but I acted like I cared. The only people who looked like they would be lynchpins in the class hierarchy were Ichinose, a boy called Kanzaki Ryuuji, who was good at martial arts, and Shibata Sou, a pretty boy who was good at soccer.

I, too, had made an effort to stand out amongst my classmates, and I was now the centre of my own small group, comprising of mostly girls.

As of right now, everyone knew almost everyone else. If the school had planned it, a formal introduction ceremony would be pointless for us.

The structure of our class was fairly clear as of right now: Ichinose was the leader of the largest group within the class, which comprised of Kanzaki, Shibata and around 25 others. Next was me. My group was about 15 strong, but was comprised almost entirely of girls, unlike Ichinose's group, which was an even mix of the two.

So, I had rolled the dice. It seemed my role would be that of a pretty playboy. I made a mental note to invite my group to do something like go shopping or do karaoke later.

As I was talking to my group, the bell rang, and everyone took their seats.

A woman with shoulder-length dark brown hair tied in a ponytail entered the room. Her chest was large, and she wore a suit. She carried a clipboard and had a stern gaze.

Starting in class B: Ayanokouji the actor.Where stories live. Discover now