Arc 2 chapter 3: Sae-chan-sensei

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(A/N: I've decided not to do arc 2 traditionally because it's boring as hell ;)

"I heard they're going out."

"Yeah, but isn't that a bit more Hoshinomiya-sensei's style?"

"Yeah, I mean, but it would be really fun to date a woman like Chabashira-sensei, wouldn't it?"

"Quit being a milf hunter, they're right there, yanno?"

"Besides, isn't he like, dating a third-year?"

"Where the hell did you hear that?"

Sae couldn't hear them, but I could. It was strange to think that a woman like Sae had kissed me just last week. It was even stranger that, just because I decided to eat lunch with my teacher today, people automatically assumed that we were going out.

I looked over to Sae.

She really was beautiful, and mature too. The way she ate, only taking small bites, and her delicate fingers handling the chopsticks. It was almost like she was a work of art.

Her waist was slender, and her legs long. Her breasts weren't overly large or small. The perfect size.

The time she kissed me, she had pushed her chest into me, and it was extremely soft. Softer than Kikyou's.

She was, however, a very straightforward lady. If she didn't like you, she spoke to you as little as possible. She would do this to me, too, but she let down the icy façade when we were alone, becoming almost over relaxed, if you catch my drift.

"So, what was this about a cruise, Chabashira-sensei?" I asked.

"Mhm. Well, the school has, for first-years only, planned a trip to a tropical island to the southwest. You'll stay there for 10 days, and then you'll spend 2 more weeks cruising around the Pacific Ocean. Quite luxury, wouldn't you say," she said, smiling.

"Indeed. And what is the real reason we're going?" I asked.

I had a hunch.

Sae froze, and dropped a piece of food back onto her plate.

"What do you mean?" She asked, resuming.

"I mean, what is the school gonna do to us? I can't imagine that a school who expel's students for failing a test by a margin of a mark would suddenly just give us a vacation like that out of nowhere," I said, smiling.

People would have thought we were just chatting about other things, I hoped.

"Listen, I'm not hungry anymore. I'm going to go to the rooftop to have a smoke," said Sae, and she winked slightly while giving a straight face.

She got up and left, on her way to the rooftop. I waited for 2 minutes, and said to my friends who had come over that I wasn't feeling well, and that I was going to the bathroom.

I made my way up to the rooftop, where Sae was smoking a cigarette, just like she said.

"Want one?" She asked, as she heard the door open, not even turning to see if it was me.

"Sure," I said, taking the cigarette from her hand that she offered to me.

She leaned in and lit my cigarette with the burning head of her own. From another angle, it might look like we were kissing.

"So, what's the truth about the vacation?" I asked.

Sae chuckled a little.

"Nothing gets past you, does it? Well, I would hate to see myself or one of my colleagues tortured for the information were I to withhold it from you. Fine, the truth then," she said, inhaling and exhaling a large cloud of smoke.

"It will be the first special exam of your high school life," she said.

"Special exam?" I asked.

"That's right. A special exam means a large influx of class points. The most class points you can gain from this exam are just over 1000, in the perfect scenario. That's never happened, however," she explained.

"So what are the details?" I asked.

"I'm not exactly sure. The exact details of this exam vary from year to year. Last year, the students were told to find the treasure buried somewhere on the island, with the only clue being 'where you started.' The winner would get 100,000 private points, and their class would receive 250 points. They weren't allowed to leave until they found it. The whole beach where they were dropped off was duh up in search for it. They were there for 2 whole weeks," she said.

"Where was the treasure?" I asked.

"Stuck on the side of the ship. Incredibly simple, really. I doubt that you'll have as easy a time, however; they like to change it every year, if possible. And, they cycle through 3 different islands, so that a student can't get information about the island from an upperclassman," she continued.

"Do you know which one it'll be?" I asked.

"Not yet. I'll know when we get there, however. All you need to know is, if we land on an island with a tower on the mountain, there's a fishing hut in a hidden cove on the north side of the island. It's the perfect place to hide out, if the situation calls for it. You can only access it from the water. Or you could make the climb down the cliff face, but it's not recommended. Inside the cabin, there should be a bed and some tinned food, as well as a fireplace. It's the perfect place," said Sae.

"I'll keep that in mind," I said.

"There's also a tunnel that goes up through the cliff face, with the tower at the end of it. It's well hidden, however, and can't be opened from the outside without the key, which is found in the hut," she finished.

"Thanks for the advice, Sae," I said.

"Don't think about it. So long as you manage to reach class A in the time that you're away, I'll consider this information free."

I was walking away from Sae, when she called out to me.

"Hey, Kiyotaka," she said.

"Yeah?" I said, stopping and turning towards her.

"Do you want to come over and watch a movie at my place some time?"

1014 words
HornyKouji at the start there.
Time for sleeps |)
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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