Final Step

33 1 9

Kamen Rider Series

(episode starts with Ryoji arriving on the Bike Gamer and shoot the Bugsters with his Gashacon Keyslasher)

(then he put his driver on his waist and insert the gashat into the slot and became Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Action Gamer LV2 once again)

Ex-Aid: From here, the Invincible Game Fighter, has return!

(then Ex-Aid look at Genji)

Ex-Aid: Can you still fight?

Genji: Of course, I've just getting warmed up.

(then he put his drive driver on his waist and insert the shift car into the brace)

Genji: Henshin!

Drive! Type Next!

(then he became Kamen Rider Drive Type Next)

Ex-Aid: We'll clear this stage, with no continue!

(then both riders charge at the Bugsters and they slash the screen then it change showing the show title)

Kamen Rider Gamer Wars Evo
Game 46: Final Step

(Ex-Aid attack Salty and slash him with his Gashacon Breaker and then took out the Mighty Brothers XX)

Mighty Brothers XX!

(then he insert the gashat and open the handle)

Gachan! Double Up! Mighty Brothers XX!

(then he became Ex-Aid Double Action Gamer LVXX R and L)

Ex-Aid R and L: We'll clear this stage with Co-op!

(then they attack Salty and Gatton and then attack Aranbura and Entres)

(then Drive attack Vernier and Revol and shoot at them with the door-ju)

(then he slash Motors and Kaiden with the handle-ken and insert the shift car into the slot)

Hissatsu! Next! Full Throttle!

(then he slash Charlie and Hatena and they exploded)

(then Ex-Aid R and L attack Graphite and then merge back to LVX and use the Maximum Mighty X)

Maximum Mighty X!

(then he insert the gashat into the slot and open the handle and push down the button)

Maximum Power X!

(then he became Ex-Aid Maximum Gamer LV99)

Ex-Aid: Time for maximum!

(then Ex-Aid punch Graphite and then shifts to all the low-tire Bugster together and Drive turn the key and press the button on the brace)

Hissatsu! Full Throttle! Shadow!

(then Drive split into clones and attack the Bugsters and then use the shuriken and strike them and they exploded)

(then Ex-Aid punch Hatena and attack Graphite and then took out the hyper muteki gashat)

Hyper Muteki!

Kamen Rider Gamer Wars EvoWhere stories live. Discover now