Final's End

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Kamen Rider Series

(episode starts with the Purgatory Knight stabbing himself causing the chest armor to crack)

(then the Purgatory Knight revert back to Ryoji and then walk away)

Genji: Ryoji! I'll definitely get you back! That's a promise!

(then Ryoji look at Genji and then smiled)

Ryoji: I'll be waiting.

(then Ryoji walk away)

-at the garage the next day-

Hirako: I'm sorry about Ryoji, when he disappeared, I was worried that we won't return, but, after knowing that he has the armor, I was shocked...

Zetsu: We just don't know what to tell you about Ryoji, we don't want you to get involved.

Hirako: He's my younger brother after all. I'm his only family left. So...

(then she bow down)

Hirako: I apologise for everything he did to you all!

Daigo: Hey, Hirako-san...

Ryoji: No, it's not her fault.

(then they saw Ryoji who came in)

Ryoji: It was mine in the first place.

(then the screen glitched and shows the title show)

Kamen Rider Gamer Wars Evo
Game 44: Final's End

-at the Rider Police HQ-

Kisaragi: Ryoji has regain his senses, in a result the curse on the armor was dispersed, is that what you're saying?

Commander I: Yeah, as Ryoji has regain his senses, he damaged the armor, now knowing there's a weak spot, it'll be easier to destroy the armor.

Kisaragi: I see, when you see him, take him in, and make sure he doesn't escape.

Commander I: Right!

(then Commander I leave the office)

Commander I: I'm glad that you're back, Nomura Ryoji.

-at the garage-

Hirako: Ryoji...

Jetta: So, you came here to...

Ryoji: I'm here to say goodbye.

Daigo: Hey, why are you saying that? Aren't you coming back?!

Ryoji: When I was using the armor, I was consumed by only vengeance and hatred, I know I can't forgive Rose, for killing Dad, but, I never forget his last words, to destroy the armor.

Rena: Ryoji...

Genji: Hey, what happen with the armor, is wasn't your fault!

Ryoji: But, I harm everyone! Even destroying the Rider System!

(then he remembers when he's the Purgatory Knight and destroy the Rider's drivers)

Ryoji: I even hurt Tsugumi, Aya and Kanon! And because of that, Chisato was arrested for unauthorized usage.

Gai: So, you're not coming back?

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