The Final Tune

49 1 4

Kamen Rider Series

(showing clips from the previous episode)

Stella/narrating: Purgatory Knight Annihilation Project, it's a project which all of the riders hunt down the Purgatory Knight, Nomura Ryoji, and defeat him, once defeated, we'll take him to custody.

Stella/narrating: In order for that, the riders will have to work together to find him, they nearly succeeded, but they're easily defeated by him.

(then shows Genm got beaten by the Purgatory Knight)

Stella/narrating: Even Genm, can't beat him.

(then shows all the riders appear except Ex-Aid who is missing and Para-DX and Baron were blurred out)

Stella/narrating: Now, the only riders left are Poppy, Drive and Sigurd.

(episode starts with Zetsu waking up)

Kaoru: You're awake?

Zetsu: Kaoru...

(then he got up)

Rui: Don't move too much. You've been injured badly, you're lucky that it's not fatal.

Zetsu: I see, I failed to stop Ryoji.

Nanami: How did he become that armor knight?

Zetsu: I'm sorry...

Tsugumi: It wasn't your fault. It must be the armor, it's controlling him.

Zetsu: No, it's not the armor, he donned it on his own, for revenge.

Bandori girls: Eh?

Ran: Is it, his father?

Zetsu: Yeah.

Chisato: Where is he?

Zetsu: I don't know.

Chisato: What do you mean you don't know?! He tried to kill you!

Kanon: Chisato-chan.

Kaoru: Chisato, just calm down.

Zetsu: Even I can't transform anymore, Rena, Toyama and Genji are left. I can rely on them.

Game 40: The Last Tune

-in the forest-

(Rosyuo is meditating as all the Over Lords are gone)

Rosyuo: It's time.

(then Rosyuo takes his sword)

Rosyuo: I'll deal with them, myself.

-with Rose-

(Rosyuo walks out the crack and face Rose)

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