The Proof of Friendship

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Kamen Rider Series

(showing clips from the previous episode)

Junko/narrating: Konno Junko here, previously I've reunited with Touma-kun who became a Kamen Rider, and currently investigating the Dark Riders. What will happen next? We still don't know yet.

(episode starts with a flashback with a girl with white hair being bullied)

Girl: Please, give it back!

Bully: And what are you going to do about it? Cry?

???: Hey!

(then they all look at the Young Daigo and then take the band from the bully)

Bully: How did you...

Young Daigo: If you mess with her, you mess with me.

(then the Young Asuka and another girl with a orange hair came to help the girl and then face them)

Bully: You'll remember this!

(then the bullies left)

Girl 2: You okay, Chii-chan?

Young Asuka: Can you stand?

Chii: Yeah.

Young Daigo: Here.

Chii: Thank you, Dai-chan.

Young Daigo: Don't worry, if you're in this sort of trouble, close your eyes, and I'll be there.

Chii: You promise?

Young Daigo: Sure, I'll never break any promises!

(then he smiled and then the flashback ended)

-present day-

(Daigo woke up as his alarm went off)

Daigo: A dream?

(then he look at his childhood picture of him with the two girls and Asuka)

Daigo: I wonder how you're doing now, Chii-chan.

Game 7: The Proof of Friendship

-at the streets-

(Daigo walked down the streets as he thought of the dream until Satoshi called for him)

Satoshi: Hey, Daigo!

(then he turn around and saw Satoshi with two others)

Daigo: Satoshi.

Satoshi: What're you doing here?

Daigo: I'm just having walk, and they're...

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