Girls Game

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Kamen Rider Series

(showing clips from the previous episode)

Tsuyu/narrating: I'm Asui Tsuyu, but you can call me Tsu-chan, previously, everyone was shocked that Skull is alive, and now the Dark Rider have make their move, Arc was sent out to hunt him down, but, with the help from Nomura-chan, they manage to beat him.

(episode starts with the riders gathering at Rider Police HQ)

Commander I: Now we know the exact location of Doctor Gara, it's at Taiyo Island.

Ryoji: Yeah.

Takihara: And you got that location, from Skull?

Ryoji: Yeah.

Stella: We need some time to gather some info about Taiyo Island.

Gao: Taiyo Island?

Mikazuki: You know something?

Takihara: Anyway, we'll let you all know, once we know about Doctor Gara's location.

Haru: Um, how long that will take?

Commander I: We'll commence our operation in three days. You have some time to prepare.

Ryoji: Skull, so you betray Doctor Gara?

-with Skull-

(he look at the city from the rooftops)

Skull: Doctor Gara, you've gone too far.

(then he look at the zone memory)

Skull: This time, I'll take you down

Game 16: Girls Game

-at Taiyo Island-

(Ryuga walk through the corridors until he was stopped by Orga)

Orga: What are you trying to do?

Ryuga: I'm going after Skull, and I'm going to beat him myself.

Orga: Ever since Doctor Gara knows that he's alive, everyone has gotten their heads into killing him.

Ryuga: If I remember correctly, I was the one who shoot him before he fell.

Orga: But, I was the one who struck him before you did.

Ryuga: You wanna bet?

Orga: Let's have a challenge, let's see who can take down Skull down first?

Ryuga: Fine by me.


Asuka: Any luck?

Poppy: No! I can't find any leads to Skull! Mou, this is poppin tiring!

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