The Raid

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Kamen Rider Series

(episode starts with helicopters flying)

Takihara: Remember, after you found Doctor Gara, we have to take him in, but, if he resist, you have no choice to fight him. Got that?

Ryoji: Got it.

Pilot: We're reaching at Taiyo Island.

(then the helicopters arrive at Taiyo Island)

Ryoji: That, Taiyo Island?

-on ground-

(Skull also arrive at Taiyo Island and saw the helicopters)

Skull: Boy, so you arrived?

-with Doctor Gara-

Doctor Gara: They're here?

Game 17: The Raid

(the helicopters lands and everyone got off the aircraft)

Takihara: Let's go!

(then everyone spread out and search the island for Doctor Gara)

Genji: This place is sure big?

Zetsu: Was this used as his hideout?

Gao: Yeah, it was before I became Knuckle.

Chika: So, did you fight him?

Gao: Not really, he got away.

Setsuna: So, there's a lab on this island?

Ryoji: Yeah, it could be anywhere.

Jetta: Ryoji, found anything yet?

Ryoji: No, we're still searching. Anything in your side?

-with Jetta-

Jetta: No, nothing yet.

Ryoji: Okay, keep me updated.

Jetta: Alright.

(then Jetta ended the call)

Jetta: Doctor Gara...

-with Daigo-

Daigo: pant Man, where is that jerk doctor?!

Asuka: Okay, enough rest, let's go.

Daigo: We're going more further?!

Asuka: Yeah! What do you expect?!

Daigo: But, we've walked for hours.

-with Gai-

Gai: Poppy, anything?

Poppy: No, even with the technology they have, it's not enough to find Doctor Gara's exact location on this island.

(then Poppy got out and change back to Rena)

Rena: I did my best.

Gai: Anyway, let's keep searching.

Rena: Right.

-with Zetsu-

Zetsu: The area is huge, how do we find Doctor Gara?

(then Zetsu continue to search the area)

Zetsu: This is Zetsu, nothing here.

-with Genji-

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