The Purgatory Knight

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Kamen Rider Series

(showing clips from the first half of the season)

Ryoji/narration: This all began, our new adventure.

(then Ex-Aid and Drive slash the Inves)

Ryoji/narration: This, the battle we faced.

(then all the riders and Rider Police raided Doctor Gara's lair)

Ryoji/narration: And then, Doctor Gara is defeated.

-present day-

(Ryoji is asleep on his bed)

Hirako: Ryoji, wake up! Wake up!

Ryoji: zzz Just a few more minutes...

Hirako: Lisa-chan is here!

(then Ryoji immediately woke up)

Ryoji: She's here?!

Hirako: You're finally up!

Ryoji: You said that just for me to wake up?!

Hirako: Breakfast is ready.

Ryoji: Fine, I'll get ready.

(then Ryoji head to the bathroom)

Hirako: He's finally grown up.

Game 25: The Purgatory Knight

-at the stage-

(Team Franchouchou, Team Nijigasaki and Team Liella are having a dance event)

(then Ryoji came to see the dance event with his team)

Daigo: It's been peaceful.

Gai: Yeah, it's been 5 months since Doctor Gara is defeated.

Jetta: But, let's not get our hopes high, those kaijins might me out there.

Asuka: Yeah, but, guess we shall enjoy!

Zetsu: Ryoji, something wrong?

Ryoji: No, it's just, I was shocked, both Dad and Mom are alive.

Poppy: Don't worry!

(then they look at Poppy who is inside the Buggle Driver Zwei)

Poppy: I'm sure they're still out there, you just have to keep searching!

Genji: Anyway, how are you in there?!

Poppy: It's fine like this! Anyway, it's to prevent my Bugster identity to be exposed. I'll come out when I'm needed.

Ryoji: Okay, just stay put.

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