The Missing Leader

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Kamen Rider Series

(showing clips from the previous episode)

Yukina/narrating: I'm Minato Yukina, previously Nomura Ryoji-san is in a search for his father, Nomura Hiro, and in which, Hirako-san decided to find them, but in that moment, a Zodiart attack the duo but Ryoji-san manage to beat him, but, a new Bugster appear. As it was going to kill him, Hiro-san step him and gets hit in order to save him. But unfortunately, he died from the attack.

(episode starts at the Rider Police HQ)

Takihara: Have you know about Ryoji's whereabouts?

Rider Police member 1: No, not yet!

Takihara: Keep searching!

Commander I: It's been two weeks, after Hiro's death, Ryoji has gone missing after that.

Stella: Yeah, they've been taken it very hard.

-flashback 2 weeks ago-

Team Gamers: Ryoji is missing?!

Takihara: Yeah, and that's what we found after 3 days.

(then he shows them Ryoji's Gamer Driver and his gashats)

Jetta: Gamer Driver? Did he discard that?!

Takihara: Yeah, that's the only thing we found.

Daigo: Hey, why didn't you tell us that?!

Takihara: We just don't know how to break it to you all.

Zetsu: And about Hiro?

Takihara: I'm sorry. He died protecting Ryoji.

Gai: Does Hirako-san known about this?

Stella: Yeah, she was there when he died.

Daigo: First he died and now this, we need to find him!

Takihara: That won't be possible, we searched the area where Hiro died, but he was nowhere to be found.

Asuka: So, he's out there?

Takihara: Yeah.

-end of flashback-

Commander I: But, the only person who is most affected by this...

Stella: Poor Lisa-chan.

Takihara: She must have taken it hard after Ryoji's disappearance. Ryoji, where are you?

Game 33: The Missing Leader

-at Lisa's house-

Yukina: knocks the door Lisa, open up, you haven't eaten.

Lisa: Sorry, I'm not in the mood.

Sayo: Imai-san, it's bad for you to starve, just eat something.

Lisa: I'm not hungry.

Rinko: Imai-san, we're just worried, can you just...

Lisa: Just leave me alone!

(then the other member of Roselia leaves Lisa alone)

Yukina: Sorry, we did our best.

Genji: She must have taken it hard, now that Ryoji is missing.

Ako: Lisa-nee, must have cared for him for years.

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