Idol in Cover

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Kamen Rider Series

(showing clips from the previous episode)

Aya/narrating: Hi! I'm Maruyama Aya. Previously, Tsugumi-chan asked Ryoji-kun out and help him to trust his team more, and in that moment, Skull appear and Kabuki attack him, and then Ryuga and Orga appear and attack them, as Ryoji-kun was weaken. Skull unexpectedly saved him and he disappear into the sea. I wonder if he's okay?

(episode starts at the Rider Police HQ)

Commander I: Have you found Skull's body yet?

Member 1: No, not yet.

Commander I: After saving Ryoji-kun, he disappeared and fell into the sea.

Takihara: After he fell into the sea, his body was never found.

Commander I: Now Doctor Gara is now taking measure in his own hands, keep searching!

Rider Police: Roger!

Takihara: Commander.

Commander I: If we count Doctor Gara as a threat, then we must be ready.

-at the city-

(Ryoji is walking as he thought why Skull saved him)

Skull: It's all up to you now, Nomura Ryoji.

Ryoji: Skull, why did you save me?

(then he bump into a girl with shades and a hat and they fell as the hat fell)

Ryoji: Sorry.

Aya: It's fine.

(then the girl reveals to be Maruyama Aya)

Ryoji: You're, Aya!

Aya: Shhhh! I don't want to let everyone know I'm here!

Civilian 1: Eh?! Maruyama Aya?!

Civilian 2: Really?! Where?!

Civilian 3: Over here!

Ryoji: Come!

(then Ryoji grab Aya's hand and they escape)

Game 11: Idol in Cover

-at the streets-

(Ryoji and Aya are getting away from some fans and they hide as the civilians went pass them)

(then Ryoji peek out and see that they're gone)

Ryoji: They're gone.

Aya: sigh I thought they never leave.

Ryoji: Well, that's what you get as an idol.

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