As Fast as the Wind

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Kamen Rider Series

(episode starts with Gai facing Kabuki)

Kabuki: Hey! Remember me?

Gai: Kabuki....

Kabuki: Ready for your playdate?

Gai: As I recall, I don't remember us having a playdate.

Kabuki: Eh? After all I set this place up for us! Oh well.

Gai: Kabuki, this ends now.

Kabuki: This will be our last playdate. Only one will survive this fight. So, you in?

Gai: I accept this challenge!

(then he put the gamer driver on his waist and took out his gashat)


Gai: Shifting into zero gear. Henshin!

(then he insert the gashat into the slot and open the handle)


(then he became Kamen Rider Lazer Turbo Bike Gamer LV 0 and took out his gashacon sparrow)

Gai/Lazer: Kabuki, come!

Kabuki: Fine!

(then Kabuki took out his Ongekibou Ressui and both of them head towards to each other and they strike)

Game 19: As Fast as the wind

(both Lazer and Kabuki strike at each other with Lazer split the gashacon sparrow to sickle mode)

Kabuki: Now that's more like it!

(then Kabuki attack Lazer as he summon the fire from his ongekibou and hit Lazer)

Kabuki: How's that?

Gai/Lazer: I'm not done!

(then he insert the giri giri chambara gashat into the slot)


(then he jumps)


(then he spins and attack Kabuki but he block it)

(but then Kabuki got hit as he's not strong enough to withstand the attack)

Gai/Lazer: Now we're even.

Kabuki: laughs You're one interesting fella! That is why I'm after you! I wanted a world where I can have tons of fun!

Gai/Lazer: So, you joined Doctor Gara?

Kabuki: Yeah! But, all the opponents I faced, are no fun, and since then, I gotten bored. Until I met you, Touma Gai!

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