The Sailor's Reunion

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Kamen Rider Series

(showing clips from the previous episode)

Rui/narrating: I'm Yashio Rui, previously me and my team encounter Team Gamers, which was led by Nomura Ryoji, and then, I reunite with Karuizawa. And then, I got kidnapped by G Den-O, but Karuizawa manage to save me. But, there's something else I need to know.

Zetsu: What? Where was I?

Rui: Yeah, I haven't got in touch with you since you disappeared. Is there a reason?

Zetsu: Well, it's best if you won't know.

Rui: I see, I haven't see you for a long time. After you've came back, and then, you're the one responsible for spreading the Bugster Virus.

Zetsu: That was when I became Genm.

Rui: I know.

(then Zetsu phone rang and he answer the call)

Zetsu: Ryoji? Yeah?

Ryoji: Zetsu! Where the hell are you?!

Zetsu: Sorry, I'm with Yashio.

Ryoji: Who cares! You better get to the plaza, we're about to face a new team!

Zetsu: What?! Wait, who?

Ryoji: It's Team Franchouchou!

Zetsu: Alright, I'll be coming!

Rui: I'll come too.

(then they head to the stage)

Game 6: The Sailor's Reunion

-at the stage-

(the Kamikiri Inves falls back as the Komori Inves slash it and it exploded)

DJ Tobi: And they've done it! Team Franchouchou takes the win!

Saki: Alright!

(then Zetsu and Rui came)

Rena: Hey! You're late!

Zetsu: Sorry, she wants to know something.

Saki: So, who's next?!

Sakura: Saki-chan, I think that's enough.

Ryoji: Fine by me! I'll take you one!

Lily: Oh! That'd the Invincible Game Fighter! The one who beat J Genesis!

Saki: I see, you're the one?

Ryoji: Yeah.

Saki: Great! Then I challenge you!

(then Saku unlocks her kiwi lockseed and the Kamikiri Inves came out)

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