Newcomer, Drive

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This is the fanfiction production, Kamen Rider and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid are rightly belong to Ishinomori Shotaro, and the animes are rightly belong to the respective owners, except my original characters, follow the official release. Enjoy.

Kamen Rider Series

(episode starts with a flashback of Gemclone Crisis getting hit by Ex-Aid Muteki's kick)

(then Gemclone Crisis exploded and then change to J Genesis's body disintegrate into data causing his death)

Ryoji/narration: This is what happen after I won the Showdown Battle Tournament. After J Genesis use Gamedeus's data to become Gemclone Crisis.

(then all the kaijins have dispersed into dust)

Ryoji/narration: Because of this, the S-Rank Trial has been put on hiatus.

(then shows in the living room where Ryoji is watch the press conference about the recent events)

Kisaragi: Due to the recent events, we, the Rider Police will be on high alert on the leftover kaijins, and the riders will cooperate with us to defeat them, therefore, the S-Rank Tiral will be put on hiatus until further notice.

Ryoji: I guess I could take a break from this.

-at the streets-

(all the civilians are watching the press conference as a man saw it happen and saw Ryoji's face and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)

Kisaragi: And because of that, the Rider Police has disclosed Gaen Corporation and has taken the Rider System. During the Showdown Battle Tournament, Team Gamer's leader, Nomura Ryoji, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, has defeated J Genesis in the Showdown Battle Tournament.

Man: So that's him? The Invincible Game Fighter. I'll be waiting.

(then he walks off as he seeks for Ryoji)

Game 1: Newcomer, Drive

-at Ryoji's room-

Yoshichika: So I bet you've seen the news?

Ryoji: Yeah, I've seen it.

Kasumi: Hey! So what do we do now?

Ryoji: Who knows, but, there's no news yet of whether they'll resume.

Tatsuya: That's highly possible, but, they're numerous kaijins out there.

Satoshi: Yeah, ever since you've enter the Mirror World, and then...

Ryoji: And then I was the one who save everything.

Tokio: But, are you sure, taking a break from this?

Ryoji: Yeah.

Mikazuki: If thing is under control, then they'll resume the S-Rank Trial.

Honoka: But, how long will it take to get us back?

Chrono: By the looks of it, it won't be long, but, we'll know once we see the news.

Ryoji: Easy for you to say.

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