Childhood Promise

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Kamen Rider Series

(showing clips from the previous episode)

Shioriko/narrating: I'm Mifune Shioriko. Previously my team encountered Nomura Ryoji and his team, and me and Lanzhu have reunited with Jetta. And then, the Dark Riders has appeared. And thats when Jetta has lost his cool, and in that moment, this person who called himself Doctor Gara appeared, just who is that guy?

(episode starts with Zetsu having his breakfast and then his phone rang)

Zetsu: It's me.

Kaoru: Hi, Karuizawa.

Zetsu: Kaoru? It's been a while since we've talked to each other. How's Chisato?

Kaoru: She's doing fine, just busy as a Child Actor.

Zetsu: I see.

Kaoru: Hey, ever since we first met after you're done as Genm, me and Chisato didn't even recognise you.

Zetsu: Well, we've haven't meet for a long time.

Kaoru: You might be right.

Zetsu: I better get going.

Kaoru: Okay, see you later.

(then Zetsu ended the call and look at his childhood picture with Chisato and Kaoru)

Zetsu: I guess I should tell them.

Game 9: Childhood Promise

-at the garage-

Jetta: I see, you and Shigasagi and Seta are childhood friends?

Zetsu: Yeah, sorry if I didn't tell you that.

Ryoji: So, have you talked to them often?

Zetsu: No, not after I became Genm.

Asuka: But, they knew you're Para-DX.

Shiroiko: Jetta, you feeling okay?

Jetta: Yeah, don't mind about me, I tend to lose my cool when you're hurt, I don't want that.

(then Kaoru came)

Kaoru: Karuizawa.

Zetsu: Kaoru.

Kaoru: Looks like we meet again, I mean, it's been a while.

Zetsu: We've met for the first time, but we didn't know before. Where's Chisato?

Kaoru: She's busy being a child actor, as well as part of Team Pastle*Palettes.

Zetsu: I see.

Daigo: So, how did you know Chisato-chan?

Kaoru: Oh, my parents and her parents know each other, that is why I know Chisato a lot.

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