Time Flies By

37 1 1

Kamen Rider Series

(episode starts with Commissioner Kisaragi appearing in the press conference with the Rider Police with reporters and photographers watching him)

Kisaragi: With the actions made by Doctor Gara, all his activities has been ceased due to the explosion of his lab at Taiyo Island.

Kisaragi: And for the explanation, we have failed to take Doctor Gara to custody, because, he turned into a Bugster.

Reporter 1: Excuse me, how did he get the Bugster Virus?

Kisaragi: It's because he created the first official Artificial Bugster, Zodiac.

-at the city-

Kisaragi: Along with that, he even recruited the Dark Riders, to carry on with his plan. 15 years ago before the Rider Police is formed, caused a rampage throughout Japan, and caused major casualties.

(then Ryoji saw the press conference regarding on the events caused by Doctor Gara)

(then he remembered what he said)


Doctor Gara: Your parents, are not dead.

-end of flashback-

Ryoji: Doctor Gara, if you're telling the truth...

-present day-

Hirako: Eh? What did you say?

Ryoji: You heard me, Dad and Mom, they're alive.

Game 24: Time Flies By

-at the garage-

Genji: Man, glad that is over.

Asuka: Hey, just because it's all over, that doesn't mean we can relax.

Genji: I know, man, it's nearly months since I first met Ryoji.

-shows footage of the first episode-

Genji: Found you!

Ryoji: Why?! Why?!

Genji: Please wait!

Genji: Man, at first he doesn't acknowledge me yet, but after seeing my ability, he slowly accept me.

(then shows both Ex-Aid and Drive defeat the Inves)

Drive: We made a good duo.

Ryoji/Ex-Aid: Yeah, hey! Don't add me into this!

-end of footage-

Genji: Well, if I wasn't here, he'll be in a bicker.

Gai: But, how did you manage to obtain a driver?

Genji: Oh, it's from the Rider Police. Although it doesn't have a sender.

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