The Search

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Kamen Rider Series

(showing clips from the previous episode)

Lanzhu/narrating: Hello everyone! I'm Zhong Lanzhu, previously, there was a huge battle between Ryoji and this Purgatory Knight, who is actually his father, Hiro, and during the battle, a monster interrupted in the battle and then attack the Purgatory Knight, but he manage to beat him, and in that moment, he reveals that Ryoji's mother, Yumi, has escaped! And that's how the story goes, anyway, let's continue!

(episode starts with Ryoji explaining Hanako and Suzumi about everything that happened and Yumi's escape)

Hanako: Eh?

Suzumi: So, Yumi is...

Ryoji: Yeah, Mom is out there.

Hnanako: So, she could be anywhere?

Ryoji: Yeah.

Suzumi: Are you going to find her?

Ryoji: Yeah. But, I have to meet someone.

(then Ryoji leaves but look at them one last time)

Ryoji: Don't worry, I'll definitely find her.

Game 29: The Search

-at Macro Cosmos-

Olive: While the Purgatory Knight is out, someone must have let that woman escape, and I don't think the Purgatory Knight could have done this alone.

Rose: And her whereabouts?

Olive: Unfortunately, the transporter she went in was wrecked when Leo tried to stop her.


(Yumi is running away as Leo went after her)

Leo: Wait!

(then she entered the transporter and Leo unintentionally broke it)

Leo: Oh no!

-end of flashback-

Rose: So she could be anywhere?

Olive: That's the only thing I can think of.

Rose: Get all the horoscope to search for the woman! And get her before the Purgatory Knight does! And once you find her, get rid of her.

Olive: On it.

(from the room where the cryogenic container is held, Cancer heard everything)

Cancer: This is bad, if they find her, they'll kill her before Hiro gets to her!


Commander I: So, your mother, Yumi is alive?

Ryoji: Yeah. That is why I'm looking for her.

Takihara: But, how?

Ryoji: My father, the Purgatory Knight.

Stella: But, he tried to take you down.

Ryoji: I know, but, he couldn't, because he knows that I'm his son.

Takihara: The search part are on the search, but no luck.

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