The Blade's Outburst

15 0 2

Kamen Rider Series

(episode starts with Jetta facing Glaive)

Jetta: Glaive

Glaive: We meet again, Brave.

Jetta: Here for another match?

Glaive: Yeah, but this time, only one survive.

Jetta: If I win, you'll let me know where's Doctor Gara.

Glaive: If you can beat me.

Jetta: I accept, this challenge!

(then he put his gamer driver on his waist and took out his gashat)


Jetta: Moving to level 2. Henshin!

(then he insert the gashat into the slot and open the handle)


(then he became Kamen Rider Brave Quest Gamer LV2)

(then he grab his gashacon sword and point it at Glaive and he took out the glaive rouzer)

Glaive: Come.

(then both Brave and Glaive look at each other and then head towards to each other)

(then their weapons clash and the scene break)

Game 21: The Blade's Outburst

(both Brave and Glaive clash their swords at each other and then they parry and slash at each other)

Glaive: Not bad, not bad at all.

Jetta/Brave: I'm just warming up.

(then Brave slash Glaive but he deflect it)

(then Glaive took out a card from the rouzer and then scan it)


(then thunder came out from the rouzer and Glaive slash Brave)

Jetta/Brave: You, use the power from the cards?

Glaive: You now realised? These cards I got are Undeads, I sealed them in order to get myself more stronger.

Jetta/Brave: In that case...


(then Brave use the gashacon sword ice mode and freeze then whole field)

Glaive: Not so fast!


(then Glaive freezes time before Brave could freeze him)

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