Uncontrollable Usage

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Kamen Rider Series

(episode starts with Kisaragi meeting Commander I)

Kisaragi: Commander, all of your riders have been beaten, none of them are able to beat the Purgatory Knight!

Commander I: Commissioner, we have only one rider left, and it's Drive, I'm sure, we'll definitely bring Ryoji back.

Kisaragi: Your time limit is almost up, only 7 days left. You better get him by them, is that clear?

Commander I: Yes, Commissioner.

(then Commander I exited the office)

Commander I: There's not much time left.

-with Ryoji-

(he looks at the phone as he still kept all the pictures of him and his friends)

(then he swipe and reach to the pic where he went to the amusement park with Lisa)

Ryoji: Licchan, I'm sorry, but, I have to do that, to avenge my father.

Game 42: Uncontrollable Usage

-at the garage-

(Genji crossed out all the riders leaving him as the only one left)

Genji: I'm the only one left?

Chrono: Well, at least we're okay. Izuku and Kasumi need to rest at the hospital for the next few days.

Haru: So, what would you do now?

Genji: I'm out of options, it's either fight him and take him to custody, or make him kill me, we're running out of time.

Honoka: Now we're no longer riders, we can't fight anymore.

Hirako: There is!

(then Hirako came in)

Genji: Hirako-san.

Hirako: I've found this.

(then she place the case on the table and opens it revealing the last Genesis Driver and the Peach Energy Lockseed)

Satoshi: Genesis Driver, he kept that?

Hirako: In case of dire situations, with this, we might have this chance.

Genji: But, who's going to use it? Sakura-chan and Ayumu-chan are still recovering.

Hirako: You left out one.

Genji: Who?

-at the hospital-

Kanon (Superstar): Eh? Me?!

Stella: Yeah, you're one of the three candidates of using the Rider System, Shibuya Kanon.

Kanon (Superstar): But, me as a rider.

Genji: It's worth a shot!

(then Genji and the remaining leaders came)

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