Chapter Thirty-Seven

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7 months later

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7 months later...

"Mom, you've got to let me go." Luis groans, trying to pull away from me.

"Why do you want to leave me so bad? I thought you loved me?" I whine, pulling out that card because I just want him to stay with me forever. I'm not ready for him to leave me.

"This was your idea." He chuckles, finally leaving my grasp. "School is only seven hours long, I'll be back before you know it." He tells me.

"Mama, please let him go before he's late." Roman says gently as he places a hand on my back.

I slowly let go of him after a moments of contemplating, biting the inside of my cheek as I look up at Luis.

"Okay, you're okay with this, right? You'll be fine? We can always wait until next year, I'll get Caroline back and all will be well. You'll tell me if someone is picking on you right? Actually, scratch that. Roman, can we get someone inside of the school to watch him? I don't thin-"

"Mom!" Luis cuts me off, laughing. "I'll be fine and I don't like Caroline. I'll tell you if someone is messing with me and please, do not put someone in the school to watch me." He pleads with his last words.

I sigh, knowing I'm being dramatic. I can't help it. I just don't want anything bad to happen to him. Especially since I won't be going with him and Roman to drop him off.

I haven't left the estate since Ansley's funeral. It's bad, I know it is but I physically can not leave this place without panicking and nearly falling out on the floor.

Things are hard. Especially when I remember how I used to live and try to do it again, only to fail miserably. I'll always be grateful for Roman because he's been by my side through everything; my maniac episodes, my panic attacks, every failure, every success. I could not ask for a better person to be by my side.

I'm just 'experiencing my new life', that's what Roman tells me. He knows I used to never do anything for myself and now he basically forces me to take care of myself and put myself first. Although, he has a hard time when it comes with Luis and himself. I can't ever put anything over them.

"I love you, Luis." I tell him softly as I grab the back of his head and pull him down so I could kiss his forehead.

" I love you too, mom. I'll see you when I come home." He tells me, giving me one last hug before he leaves to get into the car.

I press my lips together to stop the tears that so desperately want to escape. How am I supposed to be sane for seven hours without him?

"Easy, mama. He'll be okay." Roman tells me softly as he pulls me to his chest. I wrap my arms around his torso and bury my face into his chest.

"I just don't want him to get hurt." My voice comes out muffled by his shirt but he understands as he starts to chuckle.

"Look at that kid. He's almost as big as me, he can survive some sophomores. Hell, he'll probably scare the seniors." Roman tells me, rubbing the top of my back as he eases my nerves.

I sigh and give in. He's right, Luis has became more tall and muscular. He can take care of some high schoolers.

"Okay." I sigh and push away from Roman, looking up at him as he stares down at me with a knowing smirk.

I roll my eyes as I lean on the tip of my toes so I could kiss his lips. Pecking them before pulling away for revenge.

"I love you. Hurry back to me." I tell him, pecking his lips once more.

"I will. I love you, Jasmine." He tells me before walking away.

I bring my nails to my teeth as I watch him leave. I still haven't gotten over my anxiety of people leaving.

Please, come back to me.
"Tanner, stop." I groan, feeling him tug on my hand.

"Please." Tanner whines like a damn kid, standing by the couch that I'm sitting on. I know he could easily throw me over his shoulder and make me but he won't because he knows, Roman would kill him.

"I told you I don't want to try today. Just leave me alone." I tell him sternly, jerking my hand away.

He's trying to get me to walk outside but I think Luis going to school is enough stress for me today and the next couple of months.


"That's enough, Tanner." Roman cuts him off, walking into the living room with my glass of wine in his hand. He gives Tanner a harsh look before sitting down beside me, handing me my glass.

"Fine." He huffs and stomps off.

I roll my eyes while taking a sip of the wine. I've never been much of a wine person or an alcohol person but this is the only thing that can keep me sane besides Roman.

"Do you want to see someone professional?" Roman asks, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as I put my feet underneath me and tuck myself into his side.

"No, I'm fine here." I tell him, giving him a closed-lip smile.

He sighs but let's it go.

It's not like I don't want to get better and live the way I used too, I'm just scared. I'm scared of the consequences of leaving. I'm scared of being away from the place that has kept me safe for so long. Not too mention the amount of unknown people that is everywhere. I get the chills just thinking about it.

I can't leave and I don't want too.
Ansley loved this one stuff animal. It was the first ever toy I was able to get her. A small bunny with floppy ears and terrifying black eyes.

Somehow when we moved to the estate the animal came with us. Ansley slept with it, played with it, she nearly bathed with it as well but now, it's in my arms as I lay on her bed.

She loved this room so much, she didn't stop talking about it until a couple of weeks went by. Even though it broke my heart to have her move into a different room, I was glad that it made her happy.

That was everything I wanted and needed; was for her to be happy and safe. And I would like to think that up until her death she was happy. I like to think that even with the situation, Ralph made her laugh. I need to think that Ralph did his hardest to make her forget about anything other than what he's doing to make her smile and giggle.

A quiet sob tumbles out of my mouth as I shove my face into the bunny. The toy always had a distinctive scent. It always smelt like baby Ansley. That baby smell always stuck onto the fabric, it used to be something I tried to wash away but now, I couldn't get enough of it.

"Mama." Roman says quietly as he peeks his head into the room to see if I'm in here before completely entering the room and sitting beside me on the bed.

I love him, I really do but what I would give to hear Ansley say my name. I just want my baby back. She was too pure and precious for this cruel world. She deserved more than this world could give.

"Come to bed with me." He tells me gently as his hands rubs circles on my hip.

"My baby." I sob, clutching the animal to my chest. I wish I could've said more to her. I wish I could've told her about my childhood before I was taken. I wanted to make more memories, have more time.

"I know," he whispers, moving to lay next to me as he curves his body around mine, "I know." He repeats.

Grief changes people. Grief changes mothers. I wish to go back to who I was. I used to be strong and outspoken. Now, I'm shaking at the thought of leaving the estate.

"My baby."

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