Chapter Twenty-Four

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 "What was going through your damn head, Jasmine? Bringing some random kid here?" I shout, wiping a stressful hand over my face

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"What was going through your damn head, Jasmine? Bringing some random kid here?" I shout, wiping a stressful hand over my face.

"I know but I couldn't just leave him there!" She shouts back, glaring at me.

"Yes, you could have! You should have! We don't know what that kid knows or if this a part of some plan to kill everyone here!" I continue to shout but the look on Jasmine's face makes me confused.

She's in deep thought but I don't know what it could be about. Hopefully realization about her mistake and we can kill him before anything happens.

She snaps out of it before opening the bag and pulls out folder after folder, until six folders are sitting in front of us.

I furrow my eyebrows before glancing down at them. Her name printed in bold across each one in red.

I open the one on top, only wanting to close it back and go to the nearest trash can to spit out the bile crawling up my throat.

Pictures after pictures after pictures of Jasmine bruised and naked. Multiple pages of front and back descriptions of what is happening in each photo.

I slam down the folder before picking up the next one, seeing the same thing except the photos in this one is twice as bad as the first one.

My body stills in absolute disgust and rage when I see a photo. Jasmine tied down in a star position completely naked and her blood covering her body as multiple men stand around her.

The next photo was Jasmine tied like damn pig with her arms and legs bent inhumanly against her back, hanged from the ceiling from her arms and legs. She couldn't be any younger than 11 years old.

I couldn't stop the bile this time, quickly grabbing the trash can from the side of my desk and emptying my stomach.

"Don't." I grunt when Jasmine makes a sudden move. I couldn't tell if it was towards me or to open the anymore folders but I won't let her open those, not to remember everything I've tried to erase from her head.

I know it's probably impossible but a small part of me wanted to believe that if I tried hard enough than I could make her forget about that. I probably sound ridiculous.

I rub a hand over eyes as I set down the trash can. I quickly put away the folders before I walking out of my office and into my bedroom so I could brush my teeth. I know Jasmine is following me but I don't know what to say.

She's told me that she was raped and abused by- I can't even say his name; by that fucking predator and his friends but seeing what happened to her felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest by bare hands.

It's almost like I didn't want to believe it. That something like that couldn't happen to my Jasmine; my sweet, loving Jasmine. But it did and now I realize what I have put her through.

Making her text him, what kind of fucking idiot am I? I'm surprised she doesn't hold a resentment against me because she should. She should hate me for making her read all of those disgusting texts he sends her.

"What was in them?" She asks quietly and it's like a flipped switch in me.

I place down the towel I used to wipe my mouth after brushing my teeth and quickly walk to her. Not a hesitant thought runs through my head as I fall to my knees, shoving my face into her stomach.

I just hold her against me tightly as she runs her fingers through my hair and down the back of my neck. Something I have no deserving to have.

"Don't look in those folders. Don't you ever look in them." I tell her sternly but silently pleading with my eyes as I place my chin on her stomach so I can look at my beautiful mama, my beautiful Jasmine.

"What was in them?" She whispers as her eyes bounce around my face. I don't even want to know what I look like right now.

"Pictures of you." I tell her honestly, watching as her face falls and it's like her entire face changes. I no longer see a strong and independent woman, instead I see a broken little girl, which makes the urge to set fire to every place and person who has ever touched her so much harder to resist.

"You're disgusted." She whispers as she lifts her head so I could see her face anymore.

"No, never. Not by you, by those disgusting pigs. I swear to you, all of them will pay. I'll make their deaths long and painful. They'll be begging me for their deaths and the moment they think they will finally die, I'll save them just to have them right at that point again." Determination seeps into my voice.

I don't know how long we stood there with me on my knees and my face pressed into her stomach as she runs soothing hands in my hair, occasionally kissing my hair.
"What have you decided about the kid?" Tanner asks, looking at me.

I look towards Jasmine, rubbing my hand on her side as I kiss her head. "Whatever you want, mama. I'll make it happen." I mumble into her hair.

Nothing has changed from me towards her. I've always given her what she wants and she'll always get that treatment. My heart intensified, if not doubled, just for her.

"Just keep him in his spot until I'm able to get down there and talk to him. Make sure he has everything; food, water, a place to go to the bathroom that isn't disgusting. Just make sure he's comfortable for now." Jasmine tells him, making Tanner glance at me before I nod and he walks away to do what she said.

"Why exactly is he here?" I ask, making her look up at me.

"I've met him before, I just can't put my finger on it. I keep racking my brain but I don't remember much of anything other than that." She mumbles, tucking herself further into my side.

"It's okay, just tell me when you figure out and we can move on from there." I tell her, receiving a small smile from her.

"Hey, baby. I heard you got yourself a little puppy locked away." Ralph says, walking up to us.

"Don't call him that." She says, scrunching her nose in distaste.

"Don't call him that." He mocks her, making her laugh slightly. Times like this, I'm grateful for Ralph. He can make anybody laugh just by fucking being stupid.

"How many people did we lose?" I ask, making him look at me.

"About ten, they must've learned a few moves for Jasmine." He winks towards her.

"Send me the list then send their bodies off and break the news." I tell him before steering Jasmine and I away.

It's late so she needs her sleep and tomorrow is a new day.

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