Chapter Seventeen

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"So what now?" I ask, looking at him confused

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"So what now?" I ask, looking at him confused.

"I don't know. I'm still trying to understand what is happening. Do you think Alejandro is trying to get you back? I mean the attack on the estate wasn't exactly organized so it was the spur of the moment kind of thing." Roman says, making me think.

You are the one he wants.

The voice echos in my head, I must've forgotten it when I was bleeding out but that's not necessarily my fault.

"Um, well..." I drag out, watching his face scrunch in confusion.

"Well while I was almost dying and bleeding out because of the multiple stabs and the gun shot, that I must add; while protecting your mafia; the guy who did the said stabbing said that some guy wanted me but I was kind of busy killing people." I rush out, admiring my nails so I wouldn't have to look at him.

The silence is almost scary and I swear if he puts his hands on my neck again, I'll kill him for real this time.

"Come here, mama. Please." He adds his last word softly after the harsh demand.

I slowly walk over to him, watching as he lifts me to his desk before scooting his chair back into the spot it was made for which so happens makes my feet rest on the chair in between Roman's thighs as he man-spreads.

"Will you tell me what happened exactly?" Roman asks softly, his hands rubbing my thighs.

"He said that before he started to drag me to the door. I managed to get on top of him and I was asking who but he just kept saying that I know who and he'll get me. Honestly, the guy was kind of crazy, he was laughing while saying it while stabbing me." I tell him as his eyes bounce between mine.

"He's not going to get you or Ansley. He'll have to kill me first." Roman says with determination as he grips my chin and pulls my face closer to his.

My eyes involuntarily glance at his lips before going back to his eyes, watching as his pupils grow in size and he pulls my face so close that I could feel his breath on my lips.

Just as he moves closer, the door slams open, making me slowly turn my head over my shoulder to see who it is, hoping it wasn't Ansley.

"Oh, shit!" Ralph yells, putting his fist in front of his laughing mouth. "Oh, shit! I'm being a cockblock, that's my bad."

I roll my eyes in disbelief.

Roman was going to kiss me. Did I want that? Wouldn't it complicate the relationship between him and Ansley?
"What'd the shooting target do to you?" Tanner whistles lowly, looking at the paper as I grab a couple more rounds.

"Nothing." I mumble, not in the mood with any commentary about anything right now.

It's times like this I wish I had a female friend to share my thoughts with. Don't get me wrong I love spilling details with Ansley but the girl can't keep a secret to save her life. Ralph flirts too much and Tanner jokes too much. The girls here are rude and I'm not even going to try with them.

"You want to go spar?" Tanner asks, giving me a knowing look.

"I don't want to hurt you." I mumble, knowing I'm going to black out and whatever happens will not be something I can control.

"Who said it was with me?" Tanner smiles cheekily before wrapping an arm around my shoulder, guiding me to the gym down the hall.

"Ay, Burrow! Sparring time!" Tanner shouts and points to the ring.

This big buff man starts to climb into the ring, looking around for the person he'll be fighting. He's taller than me but shorter than Tanner, although his muscles make up for the height. It's like two of me pushed together.

I shrug off Tanner's arm before pulling my shirt over my head and pulling my hair up as I walk to the ring.

"I thought you said it was sparring time, Tanner?" The guy laughs at his own joke and I hear Tanner sigh.

I climb into the ring and immediately get into a protective stance, waiting for the big man to make his first move.

He fakes a left hook and slams his right fist into my cheek, making me stumble slightly before I

I pull him to the ground with my body weight before punching him wherever I could. I guess when I became a fighter, I was finally able to get some of the pent up anger out and I really think that was the only way I stayed sane. 

My body gets knocked to the side before I'm pinned to the ground with the guys forearm pushing down on my throat as he punches my stomach repeatedly.

My body tries to curl to the side but his grip was too strong and soon enough my head lulled to the side as I feel the warmth of my blood flow out of my mouth.

Sometimes I like to play a game with myself. I like to see how long I could take it, how long can I handle getting punched or kicked until I snap.

Let's just say it didn't last long.

My hands grabs the guys face, my thumb pushing into the sensitive spots of his temples so that he'd be distracted long enough for me to stand and throw my knee to his face, making him fall back.

This time when I straddle him; punching his face, neck, stomach, and chest, I don't stop until I'm tackled to the ground.

I thrash in the person's hold before seeing Tanner's blurry figure, his mouth moves as if he's speaking but I can't hear much besides the ringing in my ear.

"-okay, Jasmine- breathe- you're go-"

I calm.
"Mami! You look cra-cra!" Ansley exclaims when she sees me, laughing slightly.

I received a black eye and a busted lip, along with a few other bruises on my stomach and sides from the fight.

"Me? Who let you paint all over yourself?" I ask, seeing the bright paint all over her face and hair. There people don't understand that I'll be the one washing this off of her.

"Oops, sorry. We were just having fun." Ralph says, making me roll my eyes.

I sigh before sitting down on the couch. I took a shower and changed into my normal lounge wear; a oversized shirt and shorts plus my slippers.

Some people walk around this place with no shoes on, it's gross. The amount of people who walk with shoes on in the halls is ridiculous and who knows what's on the bottom of their shoes.

"What happened to you?" Roman asks, sitting beside me while facing me so he could look at my face.

"She fucked up Burrow." Tanner grunts, looking at us as Ansley hangs up side down from his arm.

"Mama." He deadpans, gripping my chin to turn my face side to side as he looks at the damage. "I thought you said it was a off day for you." He mumbles.

I shrug, looking at his face. His dark eyes holds a little bit of concern. His eyebrows are a little furrowed. But I notice the small freckle underneath his left eye, I notice that his bottom lip is a little bigger than the top.

I clear my throat and look away when I notice how long I've been staring at him. What is wrong with me today?

"It's okay, I've been through worse." I say, feeling Roman stiffen before he throws an arm around my shoulder and leans back into the couch, watching the guys play with Ansley.

Somehow Ansley ended up hanging from Ralph's shoulders by her legs.


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