Chapter Nine

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 "Ansley, you're supposed to be my healing buddy

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"Ansley, you're supposed to be my healing buddy." I remind her from my spot in my bed. I was super close to actually being chained to this bed by Roman because he found me in the gym but to be fair, I was only lifting Ansley in the air or well, the same weight as Ansley.

"I hate to break it to you but you aren't the
fun-est to be around, mami." Ansley says, sighing.

My head snaps towards her. "I'm hurt, Ansley. I'm not supposed to be doing anything fun because of your new friend." I roll my eyes.

"Which one?" She scrunches her face in confusion.

"Roman." I deadpan, sometimes I forget she's only five. She can sit here and talk about anything for hours.

"I want to see Ralphy." Ansley whines, stomping her feet.

"Fine but if Roman catches us, I'm sacrificing you." I hiss the last part at her to scare her but she just laughs.

I roll my eyes before following my skipping baby down the hall.

I was only in that horrid room for four days so I have to wait eight more days until these stitches comes out then only a week after that until I can start training again.

This can't go by any slower than it already is. I've been doing nothing but sit around with Ansley and even she's getting bored of me.

"Ralphy!" Ansley squeals before she takes off, ignoring the groan that came from Ralph's mouth.

I met Ralph and Tanner a day after Ansley told me about them. They are actually pretty funny and good with her so I thought there was no harm in letting her have some friends. Even if it's two grown men that act like children sometimes.

"Hey, sexy." Ralph says as soon as he sees me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder while he drags Ansley as she holds into his leg for dear life.

"Don't be calling me that unless you want a chancla to the head." I warn him as Ansley winces out loud.

"That hurts, Ralphy. I don't think you should play around with Mami anymore." Ansley shudders at the memory.

I laugh softly before I walk over to Tanner, keeping an eye on Ralph and Ansley as they mess around.

"You feeling good?" Tanner asks, not looking away from the video game on the television.

"Yeah, it's bad to say but I miss training and completely wiping your ass out." I say, looking at him with a pout.

"Don't be ridiculous, you're on the ground more than I am." He scoffs.

"You really want to prove that?" I ask, watching as his head slowly turns towards me.

"Nah, I'm good." He mumbles before looking back at the screen with red cheeks.

I kind of enjoy hanging out with them. I've never had many friends. My own parents thinks I'm dead. I don't even have much memory of them from how many times I've been hit in the head.

"Jasmine, what the hell are you doing out of bed?"
"Can I go sit with Ralphy and Tanner?"

I glance at them just as Ralph looks up and meets my eyes. I look at him in question then point my eyes to Ansley before looking back.

He nods, understanding what I'm saying.

"Yes, my baby. Behave." I tell her sternly, kissing her lips before she runs down the table for him. I watch her until she's up on Tanner's lap and begins talking animatedly.

"She's taken a liking to them." Roman states as he takes a sip of his water.

"Yes, she is, uh, fascinada with them." I say, picking up my fork.

"You go back and forth between languages. Did you speak one mainly?" He asks, glancing at me.

"Yes, I grew up speaking Spanish mainly." I say, shrugging. Why am I telling him this? Just because Ansley likes him, doesn't mean I have too.

"Are there any other languages you know?" He asks, looking at me with pure curiosity.

"Um, Italian, French, Russian, German, some Arabic, Czech, Hawaiian, and a little bit of Chinese." I mumble, looking down at my food.

"Oh, wow. Why'd you learn so many?" He asks with a tilt of his head.

"Just fascinated with the languages." I lie, shrugging.

He thought it would be a good idea for me to learn languages so he wouldn't have too so when I was forced to follow him around, I could translate for him.

"Tell me something in Czech." He says suddenly with a smirk.

"Vypadáš jako nehet mého otce." I keep my face blank even though I want nothing more than to fall out on the floor from laughing.
(You look like my father's toenail.)

"What'd you say?" He demands, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I said, you are very handsome." I tell him, covering my laugh with a cough.

"Will you say something in Italian?" He asks but I know what he's doing. He understands Italian and he wants to know if what I said was the truth. He can't possibly be that dumb.

"Sei molto bello." I say before putting food in my mouth to conceal the laughter bubbling in my chest.
(You are very handsome.)

He heaves a heavy sigh before going back to his food, not giving me another look. What a strange man...

"So any word on the attack?" I ask, picking at the food I'm suddenly not interested in.

"No and I'm wouldn't tell you anyways, I still don't trust you." He says, giving me a look.

"Why? I just almost died for fighting with you." I say, glaring towards him.

"Yeah, maybe, but a lot of people almost die to get trust..." He trails off.

Shit, fine.

I stand, leaving my barely touched food and walk down to where Ansley is before sitting down in the empty seat beside Ralph.

"Hey, baby." Ralph says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not talk to me this way?" I ask with a sweet smile as I look up at him.

"You can say it however many times you want, I'll never listen." He shrugs with a coy smile.

"Mm." I hum, pursing my lips before looking away. I watch as Ansley tries to stand on Tanner's lap. He's laughing at her but she could easily get hurt.

"Siéntate, Ansley." I tell her sternly as she nods and sits back on his lap, not letting my words affect her mood.
(Sit down, Ansley.)

"Ou, that's hot. Talk Spanish to me." Ralph hisses playfully.

"Pipe down, Ralphy." I roll my eyes.

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