Chapter Thirty-One

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One month ago

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One month ago...
"Careful, Ansley." I hear Roman say as Ansley, Luis, Ralph, and Tanner play twister.

My heart warms from his words. Simple words that parents tell their children but it's my Roman telling my Ansley that and that makes it so much better.

"I'm fine, daddy." She rolls her eyes, sassily

He looks towards me with shock on his face from her sass, making me chuckle and wrap my arms around his stomach.

"It's them kids she's hanging around with." I reason with him, looking up at him from my spot with my head on his chest.

"Maybe we should pull her out of school. Our baby can't have an attitude this soon." He frowns.

I chuckle, glancing at the mess playing twister. Ralph pushes Tanner so that he would fall out of his uncomfortable back bend, making Ansley and Luis laugh and almost fall.

"She's fine, Roman. It'll happen sooner or later." I tell him, looking back at him.

"Is never an option?" He jokes, kissing my forehead then my lips.

Two months ago...
"Mami! Roman isn't being fair!" Ansley yells, running into my legs and wrapping her small arms around them.

"How?" I ask, rubbing my hand on her head to tame her curly hair.

"He gave Ralph candy and not me! He gave Ralph a whole handful!" She exclaims, looking up at me with watery eyes.

I open my mouth to speak but Roman hurriedly walks into the room, clearly trying to chase after Ansley but for a small girl, she's surprisingly fast.

"Not candy." He mouths. "Bullets."

I give him a 'are you serious look?' before giving him a 'fix it' look. He knows better than to do that in front of Ansley.

He clears his throat before pulling up his pants slightly so he could crouch comfortably. "Ansley. Come here, baby." He calls softly, making Ansley peak her head away from my legs to look at him.

"No, go talk to Ralph!" She says, almost making me laugh but I kept it down.

"Let me explain, Ansley." He says patiently, holding out a hand.

Ansley slowly walks towards him with her arms crossed, stopping a couple feet away from him so she couldn't touch him.

"That wasn't candy, it was-" he pauses to think is a word, "it was paper clips. He needed some for a couple of papers we was going to give me." He lies, furrowing his eyebrows. He looks genuinely hurt that Ansley is upset with him and it makes me melt for him.

"Are you sure? There were a lot of colors." Ansley asks unconvinced.

"I got a lot of colors because I knew you would like them." He explains. Now that part of true, he did get multicolored paper clips so he could ask Ansley which one he should use.

"Oh." She frowns, losing her protective stance and looks towards the ground ashamed.

His eyes widen and he looks towards me for help but I only give him an encouraging nod, making him sigh quietly.

"You should have asked, baby. You know I'll always give you anything you ask for." He tells her softly as he raises his hand again. This time she takes it and he wraps an arm around her, picking her up while standing.

"I'm sorry. Are you mad at me?" Ansley pouts.

"No but next time, just ask and I'll give you some candy." He tells her, kissing her forehead while making her smile.

"Not before bedtime though." I add sternly.

"Yeah, definitely." He agrees but shakes his head and mouths 'no' towards Ansley, making her giggle.

Two months ago...
"I really appreciate everything you do for Ansley." I tell him, kissing his lips softly as my hands travel down his chest.

"You don't have to thank me for that. She deserves it and you deserve someone who can take care of you and your daughter." He mumbles as his dark eyes look at mine.

"And I'm guessing that someone is you?" I chuckle, feeling his hands slip underneath my leggings.

"Mhm, now thinking about it, you can thank me by doing something else." He growls playfully before throwing me into my back and climbing on top of me while I laugh loudly.

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