Chapter Two

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 "Don! What are we supposed to do with the Russians?" "How many more will die?" "When will it be over?"

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"Don! What are we supposed to do with the Russians?"
"How many more will die?"
"When will it be over?"


A single word with so much power. The room becomes silence. The room full of men and women. My men and women.

"You've seem to forget your place here." I allow my voice to echo throughout the room. "It will end when I say it ends. Until then, you continue your position until told differently."

These Russians cause too many damn problems. I knew taking over my fathers mafia would not be easy but the weight I carry, nearly overcomes me.

I've changed from the younger, excited, little boy. He nearly bounced in his seat from mafia talk. Now, he grew into a mess of a man. Someone who makes the rules instead of following them.


I watch as they disperse out of the door. I'm not surprised by the rush in their steps. They know better than to stay in the room.

The Russian mafia and mine are in a war. They killed my mother. The light of my world and the heart of my living body. My mother and father were the prime example of true love.

I wanted to be my father. The Don of the Italian Mafia, the husband of the love of my life, the father of the heir to my mafia, the power and strength.

He tried his hardest with me afterwards, tried to keep me the way my mother wanted me, but I wouldn't allow them to get away without any consequences, so I blew their home up.

A fair trade if you ask me.

Just as I stand, my phone starts to ring.


"Do you know why I am calling?" He asks as I hear the shuffle of him moving.


"This is the fifth time I've told you to come over for dinner. If I don't see you tonight, I'm sending people." He threatens.

He says this every week, but he knows if he sent people to grab me, they wouldn't live and my father is a family man. He believes everyone has a family to go home too.

"I'm leaving now." I tell him before putting my phone in my pocket.

There isn't anything wrong with going back. The place was designed and decorated by my mother. The only problem I have with it is the whore that stays with him.

His girlfriend kisses his ass so that she'd be able to get whatever she wants and he knows it too. My mother would be so disappointed.

Sometimes, I wish she was still here to kick his ass back in line, telling him that he could do so much better, or knock some sense in him like she used too. But she isn't here and I'm grateful she doesn't have to see the monster I've become.

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