Chapter Eight

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 "Mami!" Ansley cries as she starts running towards Jasmine

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"Mami!" Ansley cries as she starts running towards Jasmine.

I'm quick to pick her up before she gets to Jasmine because I know Jasmine wouldn't want Ansley to see her like this.

"Fuck, bring her to the infirmary!" I bark, watching Ralph pick her up bridal style.

"No! I want Mami! Where are you taking her?" Ansley continues to cry as I hold her head to my chest.

"It's okay, your Mami is just sleeping." I try to soothe Ansley but it just seems to make her cry harder. Fuck, I'm really the wrong person for this.

"No, Mami sleeps with me!"

"She can't right now, she's needs to sleep by herself. Your Mami is really tired." I try to explain as her harsh cries turn into sniffles.

"B-But I need to say sorry." She pouts.

"She knows, baby. She knows your sorry." I tell her, rubbing circles on her back just as Tanner walks up to me.

"Never thought I'd see the day that you would be holding a child." He tries to crack a joke.

"How the fuck did this happen?" I spit as Ansley lays her head on my shoulder. She must be getting tired after all this crying she's done today.

"They killed the people at the front then hopped over the gate so that they can open it." Tanner sighs.

"How many escaped?" I ask. Nobody has made any moves recently. This attack was random and unorganized. Someone gave intel or gained intel on someone and they rushed to get whoever it is.

"Like a dozen. Jasmine really went fucking crazy out there."

"I know." I mutter.

While I was dodging one of the guys with a knife, I just so happened to look at Jasmine and damn was that a sight.

Her arm with the knife aimed for people's neck as her teeth bared from grinding her teeth with how fast she was killing these people. Not to mention, she'd gotten shot and still managed to escape the man's grasp and killed him while getting stabbed.

That woman is fucking incredible and I knew right then, that I made the best decision on making her one of my soldiers.
"She's stable. She lost a lot of blood so she'll be weak for a good bit but other than that, everything is stitched and clean."

I nod before going into the room. I left Ansley with Tanner and Ralph, just until I could speak with Jasmine.

She blinks hazily before her eyes focus on me as I take a seat in the chair beside her bed.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, spreading my thigh to get comfortable in a chair meant for smaller people.

"Como mierda. Esto duele como una perra." She mumbles, hissing as she tries to sit up. She's already trying to tear her stitches.
(Like shit. This hurts like a bitch.)

"Did you gain any information from the men you killed?"

"Yeah, we sat down and had a fucking tea party. We all talked about how much we hate you." She rolls her eyes before she glances around the room.

"Where is my daughter?" She asks urgently as her eyes bounce around the room as if Ansley is going to appear.

"She's with Tanner and Ralph. She's safe." I tell her with a nod.

"Mierda, how much of that did she see?" Jasmine asks almost hesitantly.

"Not a lot, she just saw you from a far when you got to that hall but I made sure she didn't see  much of you." I say, glancing at my watch uncomfortably.

"Thanks." She mumbles.

I nod.

"Um, the doctor says I shouldn't train for three weeks but I'll be fine in one. So just tell me what I can do until the week is up." She mumbles, glaring at the blanket.

She just got stabbed, shot, and beaten. She's fucking crazy if she thinks I'm going to put my best soldier at risk until she's healed.

"Fuck no. You aren't picking up training until those three weeks are over." I growl as she makes a face.

"That's dumb. I'm here for one reason and one reason only. To be your soldier and you're telling me I can't train. What am I supposed to do then?" She asks, rolling her eyes.

"I don't know, spend some time with your daughter or get to know people but you are not training and if I catch you in that gym, I'll personally chain you to your bed." I promise with narrowed eyes.

"Fine." She huffs.
"Mami!" Ansley jumps into the bed, planning on crashing into Jasmine but I stopped her before she plopped on top of her.

"Easy, Ansley. She's hurt." I tell her, holding her up by her waist.

"Can I give her a kiss?" Ansley asks with Jasmine puppy eyes.

I nod, sighing as I hold Ansley in front of Jasmine's face so she could give her a kiss. Jasmine smiles and puckers her lips for Ansley as Ansley makes a dramatic kiss sound then giggles as I set her down on the ground.

"Are you behaving?" Jasmine asks with her smile still on her face but raises her eyebrows.

"Yes, Mami! I made new friends!" Ansley squeals, throwing her hands up.

"Oh, really? And who may they be?" Jasmine asks, giving me a look that says 'you better tell me if they're good people or not'.

"Yes! Tanner and Ralphy!" She exclaims, making me snort.

Oh, Ralph is never going to live this down.

I give Jasmine a nod when she looks at me expectingly. Tanner is good with kids. I've never seen Ralph anywhere near kids but guessing off of Ansley's reaction, he's good with her.

"You too, Mr. Roman. You're my friend also." Ansley pats my knee sympathetically, making Jasmine chuckle slightly.

"Just call me Roman."  I mumble, putting her on my leg.

"Okay, Roman." Ansley yawns, rubbing her eyes as she lays back into my chest and I allow her to get comfortable.

Ansley had taken a liking to me after our first conversation where she went on and on about getting a sibling and I'll admit, I haven't done anything to prevent it from happening but she's just a kid. She doesn't know anything about if people are good or not.

"So when did that happen?" Jasmine asks quietly after moments of silence.

"Fuck if I know." I grumble, patting Ansley's back softly.

"You were just talking about how you wouldn't give a rats ass if she died and now you expect me to sit back and let you form a relationship with my daughter?" She spits harshly.

It's understandable that she has her doubts but I would never harm Ansley. I was just talking out of my ass because I was angry.

Dare I say, I was angry because she told Ansley the harsh truth.

Ansley is only five and I know I'm a monster, but I don't purposely try to get a five year old child upset.

"I was talking out of my ass, I was just angry." I shrug, keeping my voice low.

"Why?" She asks confused.

"I just don't like making children upset."

That's a lie.

I don't like making Ansley upset, I'll gladly trip and a kid and laugh as they cry because they fell but I don't like when Ansley is upset.

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