Chapter Six

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 Days have turned into weeks and it's been nearly two months with Jasmine and Ansley here

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Days have turned into weeks and it's been nearly two months with Jasmine and Ansley here.

I've been by their room a couple of times. They've gotten everything they have asked for and in return Jasmine has became the perfect soldier for my mafia.

She's perfect at everything. Gotten every shot perfectly, every bullseye perfectly, never lost a fight.

Not to mention, she isn't bad to look at. I've had to stop myself plenty of times to stop my thoughts from getting out of reach.

Her curves are almost to good to be true, she's built like a damn mom from a Disney animation. Don't ask, I somehow ended up watching some shit with Ansley.

Her body as a few marks from when she was pregnant with Ansley and other scars from something else. The only times I've seen her body is when she's in the ring, wearing only a sports bra and spandex pants.

She's always been feisty but I like to think she's gotten a little comfortable enough to truly speak her mind and trust me, it's never a dull moment.

"If you're going to stand there like a cobista, the least you could do is sit down." Jasmine calls over her shoulder.

Her and Ansley are watching yet again another Disney movie but based off what I see, Ansley is fast asleep with Jasmine rubbing her back.

"My apologies." I mumble, walking towards the couch and taking a seat.

This is one of her off days so she sits on the couch with Ansley like she always does, wearing a baggy shirt and shorts. Her long brown hair is down so that Ansley can play with it wherever she feels like it.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asks, puckering her lips as she makes a face.

"Just admiring." I say with a sly smirk.

I do nothing but get on her nerves wherever I can. She loves to push my buttons so I return the favor anytime I can.

"Vete a la mierda. I'm trying to watch a movie with my daughter." She cusses, throwing a glare my way.
(Fuck off)

"I can tell." I nod, looking at the sleeping child. "Well, we have plans so you better go put on a different pair of shoes, mama." I say, glancing at the slippers she's wearing.

She sighs, rolling her eyes before picking up Ansley and walking out of the room. Her hips sway naturally, leaving everyone who has eyes stunned.
"Why are we here?"

I glance towards her before nodding towards Austin. He does our tattoos and it's time for Jasmine to get hers.

"You're getting a tattoo."

"The hell I am." She cusses, looking at me like I was a mad man.

"You are to be a soldier. Soldiers get the tattoo. You're getting the tattoo." I tell her sternly, nodding at Austin, who points towards his station.

I place my hand on Jasmine's back, leading her to the chair.

"Roman, I don't want this. I don't want my daughter to see this." She says, looking at with wide eyes.

"You're getting the tattoo." I say final, pushing her gently into the seat.

"Will you hold her?" Jasmine asks, already handing me the child.

I sigh harshly and put Ansley on my lap. She glances at me curiously before looking at my knees then back at my face.

"Are you a bad guy, mister?" She asks with Jasmine's puppy brown eyes.

"Yes." I reply stiffly, watching as her eyes grow big and she reaches her hand out to Jasmine.

"Hey, I'm joking." I say, bouncing my knee slightly to get Ansley's attention off of her mom and onto me.

Ansley is surprisingly smart for her age. She's small but she knows better than people her age.

"What's your favorite movie?" I ask impulsively.

"Frozen! Elsa has powers, she can..." Ansley starts off on a whole rant about this animation movie.

I nod but occasionally look at Jasmine. She doesn't flinch, make faces, or tense from the pain. She just sits and talks to Austin as he does his work on her neck.

The tattoo is a simple rose with sharp thorns on the stem but three dots in a line rest underneath the rose.

To be honest, I thought Jasmine would be squirming or at least cussing since she likes to do it so much.

"-anyways, I want a baby sister or brother just like Elsa!" Ansley finishes, smiling brightly.

A sibling?

There's no fucking way she's going to get a sibling. Most people marry other people in the mafia because they don't have much of an option. They can fuck anyone outside of the mafia but being married is sacred and they will want to know jobs.

"Oh, well good luck to you." I say, nodding.

"Yeah, Mami told me that I'd get one but it takes time for the fairy to put the baby in Mami's tummy." Ansley nods sympathetically.

A fairy? God, is this what it's like to have kids? Lying to them about the nature of babies being conceived?

"Okay, I'm done." Austin says, putting the wrap on Jasmine's neck.

"Gracias." Jasmine says with a smile.

My jaw clenches at their interaction, I see the way he's looking at her. The fucker doesn't even try to hide it as he licks his lips.

"Let's go, mama."
"Ansley, please. Let of me." I hear Jasmine groan.

I'm at her door, planning on getting her down to dinner but I couldn't help but stop when I hear Ansley crying.

"I want to go home!" Ansley screams.

"Stop screaming, I hear you perfectly fine just by talking. Listen to me, bebe. I'm trying, okay?" Her voice almost cracks but she keeps it strong.

"I want to go home! Take me home!"

"I can't. I'm sorry." Jasmine tells the crying child.

I take my chance to knock in the door.

"Hold on! Come on, bebe. We need to get food then off to bed you go." Jasmine tries to lighten her tone for her daughter.

"No! I'm not hungry! I hate you!"

I wince at the child's harsh words. I'm sure every child went through the phase where they try to hurt their parent because they're young and don't understand how much words affect someone.

Jasmine says something quietly before the door opens and she looks at me startled then walking pass me with Ansley on her hip.

I follow quietly behind them, staying silent until we are sitting and Ansley starts eating while Jasmine watches her.

"Are you okay?" I ask quietly, watching as she glances at me.

"Um, the tattoo is fine." She mumbles.

"I didn't ask that." I say a little bit more sternly.

"I'm fine. No puedes ocuparte de tus propios asuntos?" She says, throwing me a dirty look.
(Can't you mind your own business?)

I sigh and look away.

🎶I know something you don't knowww🎶

My BabyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ