Chapter Ten

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 "So what are we going to be doing about that attack?" Ralph asks, lazily throwing the folder on the table

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"So what are we going to be doing about that attack?" Ralph asks, lazily throwing the folder on the table.

"I have someone looking for the mafia with the matching tattoos. They have to go through all the drawings but some have changed their tattoos." I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Over half of the other mafias have changed their tattoos over the decades so my guy is having to personally find the tattoos for each. It's stressing me out because now it's not only the Russians but whoever these fuckers are.

Ralph nods before him and Tanner stand and walk to the door.

"Where are you two going?" I ask in confusion.

"It's Jasmine's first day back." Tanner says and I nod, dismissing him before looking at Ralph.

"I'm going to watch Jasmine deliver Tanner's ass." Ralph smiles before walking away without another word.

I almost get up and follow but I didn't want them to think it was important enough to ditch my work so I waited an hour before going down there.

I walk in the gym to see Jasmine underneath Tanner as he punches her in the stomach, of course it doesn't last long until Jasmine is back on top.

She's supposed to be taking this lightly; a few punching bags or easy sparing, not full on cage-fighting.

Before I know it, they are both standing and throwing punches at each other before Jasmine does some move where her legs wrap around his neck and successfully throw Tanner to the ground.

"Ou, damn girl! That's gotta hurt."

I look towards the voice to see Ralph wincing as his fist rests on his mouth but what I notice is Ansley sitting in front of him with a doll. Where did she get that?

I walk towards them before Ansley sees me and runs towards me, screaming loudly.

"Roman!" She screams as I pick her up before she could crash into my legs.

"Didn't your Mami tell you not to run?" I ask sternly.

"Lo siento." Ansley pouts, resting her head on my shoulder as I turn back to Jasmine. She just knocked the wind out of Tanner again.

"Okay, I'm done!" Tanner groans loudly. "We can work on guns." He pats on the mat as Jasmine gets out and walks straight to Ansley.

"Mami, that was so cool!" Ansley exclaims as Jasmine takes her out of my arms.

Jasmine hums, pushing some of Ansley's hair out of her face then kissing the side of her head as if to distract her.

"Do you want to go with Ralphy or come watch Mami?" Jasmine asks, completely ignoring the fact that I'm in front of them.

"I want to be with Roman!" Ansley exclaims, pointing towards me.

Suddenly, I have the urge to turn around and walk away faster then anything but I don't. I stay still, watching as Jasmine gives me a warning look.

Why am I suddenly so nervous? I'm a damn Don of a mafia. Someone who I pay should not be affecting me this way.

"Are you sure? I think Ralphy is going to get some food." Jasmine tries to persuade but when Ansley slides down her body just to crash into my legs, she sighs in acceptance.

"Is that okay?" Jasmine asks, almost monotonously.

I nod, picking up the child as Jasmine kisses her head once more then walks out without another word to me.

"Okay, what should we do?" I ask Ansley, walking out of the gym.

"Do you think my Mami is pretty?"

My head snapped so fast to the little girl, I'm surprised it didn't break. Ansley just glances at me curiously before taking another bite of her ice cream and focusing on the Disney movie.

"Why?" I ask carefully.

"I don't know, my old teacher said that when boys like you, they like to look at you." Ansley giggles.

"Were there boys staring at you?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at the thought of this young child already falling for boys tricks.

"No but you like looking at Mami."

Damn her and her observations. Does she not have better things to do? She already has people wrapped around her finger.

"I'm her boss, I'm supposed to look." I grunt, leaning further into the couch.

"That what the mean guy said." Ansley says, suddenly scooting away from me with a sad pout and eyes filling with tears.

"Woah, Ansley. What mean guy?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows, making Ansley stop momentarily as she stares at me suspiciously.

"Mami's old boss used to say that he could look at her because he was her boss but Mami never liked it when I was in the room." Ansley pouts.

I have to take a deep breath to stop myself from interrogating her anymore than I have because I should go to Jasmine about this and I most definitely will.

"I worded that wrong." I start off cautiously as Ansley walks slowly towards me when I motioned to her, I easily lift her onto my lap. "I think your Mami is very pretty and you're very lucky to have such a good mom." I tell her softly, watching as a bright smile takes over the pout.

"Does that mean you like her?" Ansley squeals, giggling while holding my pointer and middle finger because her small hand can't actually hold my hand.

"Nnn-sure." I change my answer when I saw the pout starting to take place then a large smile. Little manipulator.

"Can I tell her?" Ansley screams, making me roll my eyes.

"No, I have to tell her. It'll be our little secret for now." I tell her, watching as she pretends to zip her mouth and lock it before handing me the key.

I put it in my pocket.
I stand, causing the table to go silent as they look at me in question. I don't do much talking when I'm at the table, especially large announcements.

"I have a mission tomorrow for teams I've recently worked on, named the Alpha team. Following members are: Austin Blue, Jasmine Torres, Tanner Monroe, Isabella Smith, Jason Fuller, Gaven Miller, Kolton James, JP Morgan and Chris Hamilton. Bravo team includes: Gary Farris, Ralph Williams, Alexis Gray, and Josh Butler. Will those following people meet in the gym as soon as you're done eating?"

After my long request, I take a seat and watch as people chat amongst themselves about the new teams.

I like to change up the teams every two years or so to have some new people, new experiences, and new ideas.

There was no question that Jasmin was going to be in a team, I just wasn't sure if I wanted her in Bravo or Alpha but I think I made the right decision.

Soon enough, everyone is standing in the gym. Some look tired while others look curious as to the mission so I try to make this as quick as possible.

"There are important documents at the Vladimir estate. Tomorrow, Tanner will have the plans for the Alpha team and Ralph still have the plans for the Bravo team. Report to them immediately after breakfast. Expect a fight." I tell them, nodding in dismissal and all leave except one.

"Who will watch Ansley?" Jasmine asks, tilting her head upward to look at me.

"Ralph will, he'll be staying here so that he may have better equipment to hack into the system." I tell her, watching as she nods and moves to walk pass me but stick my arm out, grasping her hip to stop her.

"Don't worry about Ansley, I'll make sure she is safe." I say, watching as her eyes bounce nervously around my face.

"I know." She whispers before successfully walking pass me.

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