Chapter Thirty-Two

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 "Luis, you need to eat

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"Luis, you need to eat." I tell him sternly as I watch him ignore me and walk pass me, making me huff before I follow him.

"I know we all have stuff going on but you're still young and growing, you need to eat." I tell him, running a hand over my face.

It's been two weeks since everything happened, Jasmine is still in a coma, we've gotten the DNA test back that affirmed that the two bodies were indeed Ansley and Ralph.

I don't know what else to do. I've been trying my best with Luis and just like any 14 year old, he thinks he knows everything.

I'm trying my hardest to do everything that Jasmine normally does, along with my things but it's so hard. It's hard losing our daughter and my best friend. It's hard trying to handle a grieving teenage boy. It's hard grieving by myself and all I want is for Jasmine to wake up but then she'll be hurting. And a small part of me thinks, at least we'll be hurting together.

"You're not my dad, Roman. Go cry over Jasmine some more." He dismisses me, walking into the gym.

"You cry over Jasmine, Luis. I know you're hurting, we all are but you won't disrespect me in my home." I tell him sternly as I grab his shoulder, forcing him to look at me.

"Then I'll leave!" He spits back, glaring at me.

"What is your problem? I'm trying the best I can, Luis!" I shout, glaring at the kid. I've tried my hardest to not yell at him but everything is slowly adding and adding and I don't know how long I can last until I finally fall.

"My mom is in a coma and my sister is dead! That's my problem! And you're here trying to make me eat, why can't you leave me alone?" He shouts back, saying the word 'eat' mockingly but then a look of shock rests on his face from his own words. This is the first time I've heard him call her mom.

"I know." I admit defeatedly. "You and your mom is the only thing I have left. I failed. I know I did. I know I'm not your dad, I wasn't Ansley's either but," I wipe a hand down my face as my eyes burn, "she loved me and she allowed me to become her father. I'm just trying to do right by the things she loved. She loved you. She loved your mom."

I'm just trying to do the best I can and it's only so much. I barely sleep and when I do, it's nightmares. I stay with Jasmine every night, telling her how sorry I am and telling her I love her while crying pathetically. I work everyday trying to find Vladimir but he's gone into hiding and I wouldn't be surprised if he went back to Russia where I can't touch him.

"I-I'm sorry." Luis mumbles, turning his head towards the floor ashamed.

"I just want what's best for you. I love your mom and I've grown to love you. You, Ansley, and your mom have become my family, my everything. I've already lost one, please don't make me lose another." I tell him. I probably sound stupid and emotional but I don't care. It's how I'm feeling and he deserves to know and understand.

Tears fall down his face and he shoves his face into my chest, wrapping his arms around my torso while crying.

"I love you too." His voice comes out mumbled by my shirt but I hear it and all I can do is hold him tighter.
"When will you wake up, mama?" I ask, holding her hand.

"I don't know how much more I can take being by myself. I owe you a big apology, taking care of kids is much harder than you led on. I understand now. I understand why you said your words of Ansley being only yours. You made your life surround hers. I understand it now. I knew it when I first started spending more time around Ansley and that's all I could think about. Would this affect Ansley? How would Ansley feel about this? Now that Luis is here, I think about him and you. I miss Ansley. I miss you. Even though you are right here in my hands, I feel as though I've lost you as well." I rant, feeling the familiar burn.

I've never cried so much in my life. Yet, here I am, crying once again.

I place my forehead on her hand. "Please. Please, don't leave me. I know this will be hard. It's so fucking hard. Just don't leave me." I cry into her.

I don't know how long I sobbed into her hand, wishing I could smell her sweet scent instead of this medical stuff. I finally raise my head, wiping my face as I look at her peaceful face.

"Luis told me he loved me today. I wish you were there, I could almost imagine the smile you would've gave us. He also called you 'mom'. I know that would've made you cry. Happy tears, of course. He misses you as well. I'm sure he comes in here during the day." I tell her, looking over her face like I do every time.

Her long lashes touches her cheeks as I re-memorize the two dark freckles on her face. One underneath her left eye and another near her right eyebrow. Those are the only freckles she has.

"I love you, Jasmine."

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