Chapter Thirty-Three

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 My body feels so heavy, I try to move my fingers or open my eyes but nothing happens

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My body feels so heavy, I try to move my fingers or open my eyes but nothing happens. What happened?

Did they get Ansley before the house exploded? Is she okay? Where's Roman? I've been treating him so bad. I'm just so trapped with this body racking guilt and I forgot who were the most important people in my life.

Ansley. Luis. Roman.

My family and even through the darkness, I know I have them and I need to take advantage of that and not waste anymore time.

This proves that I've been selfish. I need to apologize to Roman about everything I've said and done.

I try to open my eyes once more and this time they flutter open but shut immediately from the bright light.

Fuck, where am I? Why is that light so bright? I open my eyes again and blink to let my eyes readjust to the light.


It was just a lamp. A lamp in this dark room that provides a little bit of light.

I try to move my hand only to stop when I feel weight on top of it. I slowly look to see Roman's head laying on it. A frown graces my face when I take him in. His face is splotchy with red spots, his eyes are swollen and red, his lips are in a permanent frown, his hair is a little greasy and unkept. What has he been doing?

He must be uncomfortable. He's barely sitting on the chair and his back is curved weirdly so that he could rest his head on my hand.

"Jasmine." He mumbles in his sleep, sniffling and making my eyes widen. He's dreaming about me. Not a good one I suppose.

I lay on this bed just watching him sleep. He says my name a few more times and a couple 'I'm sorry's. I don't know what time it is but it feels like forever until he finally wakes up.

He blinks a few times before closing his eyes while sitting up and stretching out his back, making a loud pop. His eyes flutter back open until they rest on me, his eyebrows furrow as he blinks a few times before believing his eyes.

"Mama?" He asks so hopeful.

"Hey, baby." I croak, my voice is a lot more hoarse and raspy then I thought it would be.

His eyes water and I couldn't help but stare. This is the first time I've seen him cry and I don't think it's a good cry. That immediately makes my eyes water.

"I tried." He rasps and my eyes bounce around his face. So much sorrow weighs on his face.

"What happened?" I ask, watching a tear escape his eye. "What happened, Roman?" I ask again when he doesn't speak.

"She's gone." He whispers and I instantly know what he's talking about.

"A-Ansley?" I ask, seeing him nod and my world stops. What am I supposed to do? I thought she was going to be safe. I thought someone would have gotten her.

She was supposed to be safe with me. I thought I was doing everything right. I was going to watch her grow up. Her first dance, her first heartbreak, her graduation, her everything and now she's gone.

"Roman, I-" I sob, not being able to finish my sentence but he understands. He lays beside me in this small hospital bed and wraps his arms around me as we cry.

And we cry for a long time.
"I'm sorry." I whisper, not moving an inch.

"For what?" He whispers back, not wanting to disturb the silence in the still small lamp lit room.

I don't know what time it is, what day, what month, or how long we've sat here crying in each others arms for our daughter. Crying out for our daughter.

"For my words and actions. I had no right and you were hurting just as much as I was. I'm sorry." I tell him, feeling my eyes well up again.

"Don't apologize. I understand why you said it. I'm not angry towards you." He whispers, kissing the top of my head.

"Are we sure it's them?" I whisper, feeling the familiar warmth of my tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Yeah. We did a DNA test."

My heartbreaks with his words. How could something like this happen? She was too innocent, too kind for this world and she was taken from me.

"I love you, Roman." I whisper as I close my eyes to escape. Escaped the world of pain, even if it is just for a little bit.

A little bit longer.
I wake up when the door opens and more light is let into the room. I have to blink from the burning sensation.

"Jasmine." Luis gasps.

I open my arms towards him, watching as he rushes to the side that Roman isn't on and places himself in my arms. He lets out a loud sob and I rock him while whispering my words to him.

"It's okay, my son. I'm okay."
"We'll be okay."
"I love you so much, my son."
"I missed you."

My words don't seem to calm him though, he just pushes himself further into my embrace. I shuffle closer to Roman, making a small amount of room for him to lay beside me as well, which he does.

"I was so scared." He cries quietly.

"I know." I whisper, kissing his head. Half of his body is on top of mine and the other half is nearly hanging off the bed as his face buries into my neck.

I feel Roman nuzzle his head on top of mine as his arm moves to Luis's back, rubbing it supportably.

"I love you, mom."

A silent breath leaves my lips as my tears flow freely. I've cried so much in the last month, I don't know how I'm able to cry anymore.

"I love you too." I say in a whisper as I rub my cheek into the back of his head. 
My baby.

Sweet, innocent, gentle, little thing gone from a mean, mean world. I'm sorry that was all you ever learned from it. I should've showed you more of the beautiful sides of it. Beautiful love from your daddy, your brother, your Mami. You should've seen more of it. You may be in gods hands but you'll stay in my heart forever. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. You may be gone but you will live on, my baby. What I do, is all for you.

Your, Mami.

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