Chapter Thrity-Four😏

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 Jasmine is trying

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Jasmine is trying. I can see it. Ralph and her had some weird relationship but they were friends so not only is she grieving for our daughter but her friend as well.

But she's trying.

"Luis, can you come lay with me?" She asks quietly. She spends a lot of time with Luis, making up for lost time or trying to put her motherly love onto him.

"Sure, mom." He says, taking her hand and walking away with her.

Her eyes are in a constant state of red and swollen. She can't sleep alone so if I'm not in bed, she goes to sleep with Luis. She doesn't eat as much, Luis and I can convince her sometimes but other times, she just sits there. She doesn't do much talking anymore, especially when she was able to leave the infirmary after a week of being awake.

She's trying.

I have been spending every waking moment tracking down Vladimir and we finally got a lead this morning. My people are trying to find out more about it before it disappears.

Everything is so quiet around here. There used to be Ansley's loud talking or giggling with Ralph and Tanner edging her on but there isn't any of that anymore.

It's just numb.
"He's here. I'm not sure for how long." One of the guys tell me and I nod, getting out my phone and texting everyone to get ready because I'm not wasting another second.

I walk out of the room, going to Jasmine's and my room because that's normally where she is.

I open the door and shut it behind me while looking for Jasmine, finding her on the bed with Luis. He's sleeping on her chest but she stays awake, running her fingers through his hair while staring at wall in front of the bed.

Her eyes find mine and she instantly rubs Luis's shoulder, telling him to go get some food and shower. He lazily nods, receiving a kiss on the forehead before he leaves the room tiredly.

"We found him, I'm going tonight." I tell her as I walk to the bathroom, knowing she'll follow me in there.

"Can I come?" She asks but I can't even think about that right now. She can barely walk some days, I can't expect her to do this and make it out alive.

"No, mama. Stay here with Luis. It's too soon for you to be out there again." I tell her gently as I cup her face in my hands. Her eyes bounce in between mine.

"But I want too." She says sadly, she doesn't pout but she stares up at me with her brown puppy eyes, that nearly lets me but I resist.

"You wanna take a shower with me?" I ask, pecking her lips gently.

She nods, sighing as she pulls away from me and takes off her clothes, which consists of one of my sweat shirts that is oversized on her and a pair of my plaid pajama pants, once again oversized but she ties them to fit her waist.

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