"I'm glad to hear it."

"But I am a little nervous."

"About today?"



"It's all in English. Everyone else has gotten better, but I still struggle."

"It's okay. Chan and Felix are there to support you and there's the official translator too."

"I know. I'm okay, it just makes me a little nervous."

"If you want to improve your English, I can work on it with you?"

"I think that would be nice, Noona. The last tour was okay, but I want to do better on the next one."

"I'll take a look at your schedule and mark out some time for us, okay?"

"Thank you, Noona. You know there's someone else who worries about English events like these."


"Minho-Hyung. He doesn't say it, but I know he gets as confused as me when everyone's talking in English. It's not just when we have to say something but to know what's happening."

"I see what you mean. That must be kind of scary... It would help if you knew exactly what was going to happen. I know you get told briefly, but if the games were explained beforehand things would go more smoothly on stage."

Rose realised she was thinking out loud and focused back on Jeongin to see him pouting at her.

"Can't you work with us again, Noona?"

"That's not up to me, or you -"

"Chan-Hyung could make it happen. It would make things much easier."

"No, it wouldn't."

Jeongin rested his head on her shoulder.

"Sorry, Noona. I just miss having you around like this. It's nice."

"I like spending time with you too, but this is your work. I shouldn't get involved. It makes things messy. Besides, we're going to have English time together now, right?"

"Just us two?"

"If that's what you want."

"Yes please, Noona. You've spent time with everyone else individually except me."

Rose thought about it. Obviously, she had spent time alone with Chan and Changbin, as well as Felix and Jisung.

Dancing with Minho, painting with Hyunjin, lunch with Seungmin...

"That can't be - oh! I'm so sorry, Innie."

"It's okay, Noona. I'm the youngest so we have the biggest age gap."

"Nope. That's no excuse. I'll make it up to you, okay?"

"I'm glad you're Chan-Hyung and Changbin-Hyungs' soulmate. You're so nice, Noona."

Their moment was interrupted by the boys being called to get ready to go on stage and she waved them all off.

As Rose watched from backstage, she noticed that the translator was only translating when the boys said something in Korean or if it was obvious one of them didn't understand what to do. She walked over to one of the staff members.

"Can you ask the translator to translate everything that is said please? So, all the members understand what is going on."

"Of course."

"Thank you."

She watched as the stagehand went out and spoke to the translator. From then on, he translated everything that was said by both the MC and the English-speaking members into Korean and not just Korean into English. Rose hoped that this made Minho in particular feel more comfortable.

When they got back to the hotel after the fan meeting, Rose went with Changbin to his room. The rapper jumped onto the bed with a sigh before rolling over onto his back and holding his arms open. She laughed and crawled onto the bed, cuddling up to him with her head resting on his arm.

"You make such a good pillow."

Changbin glances down and pats himself on the chest.

"Really? The guys say I'm too firm."

"Well, you're perfect for me."

"Aw, Noona!"

Rose giggled as Changbin wrapped his arms around her and peppered her face with kisses. Once he stopped, she reached up and pinched his cheek.

"How are you so cute?!"

The rapper pouted and his soulmate reached up to give him a peck on the lips. Rose stayed in that position, looking up at Changbin as she played with his hair. He closed his eyes and hummed in contentment.

Taking the opportunity to stare at her new soulmate, Rose once again found herself in disbelief at how lucky she was. She had two extremely handsome and kind soulmates. Sometimes she felt guilty for getting to have both of them to herself.

"I can feel you staring."


"No. I like it."

"Good. You're just so pretty that I can't look away."

"Why are you stealing all my lines today, Noona?!"

"You should say them first then. Slowpoke."

"Slow? Slow!"

Rose's eyes widened at her soulmate's mischievous grin. She wasn't quick enough to move away before Changbin started tickling her.

"No! Binnie, stop!"

Try as she might, there was no way of winning against Changbin's muscular strength. Since she couldn't push him away, Rose tried a different tactic. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders she pulled him towards her, the action took him off guard and he ended up lying on top of her.

Their playtime was interrupted by Changbin's phone pinging.

"Chan's doing his live."

He rolled off of her and they sat up. Turning on the live, they watched as a head of hair appeared at the side of the frame.

"That's not Chan. It's... Why is Felix with him?"

They watched the two Australians banter with each other for a bit.

"Three burgers?!"

"That's what you're focused on? Why is he in his bathrobe?!"

Changbin looked over at Rose with a smirk.

"Is this what you were like when he wore crop tops on stage?"

"No... maybe. That's different though. That's for a performance, this... this is just indecent."

"I don't think Stay's will agree with you about that. You're so cute when you're jealous."

"Shut up!"

There was a knock at the door.

"Go away!"


"What? It's one of the guys - No, Rosie! Don't let them in!"

Rose didn't listen as she got up and answered the door.


"Lixie? What are you doing here? You're meant to be washing up."

The dancer pouted.

"I'm lonely."

Rose could never deny Felix's puppy eyes.

"Okay, come in then."

"Yay! Hey, Hyung."

"Hey, Felix. We were just talking about how Noona gets jealous when we show skin on stage."


Rose sighed. She and her soulmates were never alone. No wonder she wasn't getting any action. 

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