Jungkook reached for my hand and spoke with a nervous laugh, "You promised you wouldn't fire me, Hyung. I'm sorry, okay! Let's forget all that, hmm?"

"I want your resignation letter by the end of the day. I can't continue working with an irresponsible secretary."

Jungkook's hand slackened, and tears welled up in his eyes. He swallowed hard and nodded slowly.

I turned towards my seat, noting his bow.


Jimin POV:

Pretty noona

I'm sorry noona 😔

I didn't knew my preference
untill I met jungkookshi

I should have told you directly
Instead of sending him

😭 I was scared of you.

Even now I have no audacity to
Face you

I'm really sorry noona,
Please forgive me 🙏

I don't want to loose you
At any cost 😞

Please reply to me 😭


I've been texting noona since Jungkookshi told me about his request to her. She is angry at me I can feel it because she never ignored my texts like this.

I've hurt her so bad that she don't want to have contacts with me.

And I'm the one to blame.

Noona is really precious to me, she treated me almost like her son even though we didn't had any blood relation and now I disappointed her.

She might be ashamed of treating me like a family.

*Knock knock*

My depressed thoughts came to halt hearing knock on my door, tossing my phone on bed I climb down walking towards entrance.

As soon I opened the door, I found sulked jungkookshi. He looks more depressed than me for real.

My eyes widened at his appearance and without a word, I let him enter while suppressing my concerns for later.

Jungkookshi sat on bed with heavy sigh as he covered his face with arms. I can barely see his face, not having other options I sat beside his cacoon body and began to pat his head patiently.

"I won't ask what happened but I'll apologize behalf of them" I mutter trying to Console him as much as I can.

Maybe he is still upset because of noona.

He mumbles under his buried face "hoseok hyung fired me." My Patting came to pause hearing him.

"Why? What made him to that?"

That's when he looked up at his front and sigh heavily "he saw me in that video"

"What video?"

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