Jungkook is gay??

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"Woahh, noona!! You're seriously the most badass woman I've ever met," Jungkook exclaimed as we hopped into the car.

He couldn't hide his happiness. "I'm so, so, so proud of you right now!! I've tried a million times to kick her out of Hyung's life, but I never succeeded, and here you are, making it happen!"

couldn't able contain his excitement he began doing a little happy dance. "You see, only a woman can handle another woman," I remarked, feeling a bit high of myself with a playful smirk.

"But noona! Why'd you let her off the hook like that? We could've totally taken her down with that video," Jungkook protested, his tone showing a hint of annoyance as he pouted.

I let out a sigh in response, explaining, "I can't just ruin her entire career for punishment. Plus, she apologized and vowed never to cross Hoseok's path again."

Hearing my reasoning, Jungkook sighed softly and asked, "What if she tries something sneaky again?"

"As I promised her, the moment she pulls anything suspicious, I'll unleash that video, so no need to worry about that. But let's figure out how we'll break this news to Hoseok. They might got back togeth—"

"Nope, they didn't! Hoseok Hyung broke up with her months ago."

I raised my eyebrows, surprised by this unexpected revelation. "Why? And how? I mean, what went down?"

Jungkook gasped dramatically and mumbled, "Oops, my bad. I wasn't supposed to say this." He suddenly grabbed my hand, holding it tight, and pleaded, "Promise me you won't let Hyung know you heard this from me."

I chuckled at this startled bunny. "Cross my heart, I won't. Now, spill the tea, quick!" I couldn't contain my curiosity, and Jungkook understood my eagerness to know.

"So, the day you dropped the pregnancy bombshell on him, he went straight to Min-hee and ended things."

"Why? Didn't we already sign divorce papers for them?"

"Yeah, you guys did, but Hyung was under some weird spell. She was manipulating him, and he realized it a bit too late but eventually cut ties with her."

So, Hoseok had a glimpse of Min-hee's true colors way before I did.

I started to process Jungkook's words as he continued, "That's why, when you called earlier and asked for my help, I didn't breathe a word to Hyung and came straight to you... I can't stand hearing Min-hee's name around him anymore."

"You really hate her, huh?"

"From the very depths of my heart, we can say that!" Jungkook's tone took a girlish turn as we both indulged in some light-hearted gossip about her.

"You know, Hyung was totally blind to see how he was being played. That woman used to light up like a Christmas tree whenever Hyung bought her expensive stuff. Hyung never listened to me, went on to propose, and I knew she'd never agree to it because all she wanted was a lapdog to fawn over her and a sugar daddy to foot the bills!"

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at Jungkook's sassy commentary. Hoseok surely had himself a world-class secretary.

Seeing me laugh uncontrollably, Jungkook joined in with chuckles and started driving. After a moment, I managed to calm down and took a few seconds to think.

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