105. daphne and alexandra

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Daphne moved in with Alexandra a couple of weeks ago since everybody else moved out of the bunker.

"It's nice with just us two. Nobody to barge into our room while making out or something. And we can even make out in the living room." Daphne grins as Alexandra laughs.

"You've never lived alone, have you?" She chuckles.

"No." Daphne shakes her head, Alexandra smiling at her.

"You're adorable." Alexandra kisses the brunette's nose.

"Hey, can we get pets?" Daphne asks.

"Only if it's a cat." Alexandra says.

"You're not a dog person?" Daphne asks.

"Meh." Alexandra shrugs, Daphne's jaw dropping.

"But puppies are so cute." Daphne pouts.

"So are kitties." Alexandra says.

"Yeah, but-- but puppies. I love doggies." Daphne says.

"Okay, well... what if we get one of each?" Alexandra suggests.

"What?" Daphne asks.

"Yeah. I mean, if we have the money and the environment, we can get both. I do think it's best to wait until we were to move into a house for a dog just so it can run around outside. I mean, yeah, people have dogs in apartments, but if we have a hyperactive dog, it's best to have a yard or something."

"We live right next to a dog park." Daphne says.

"Right. So then we can get both." Alexandra says.

"But what if they don't get along?" Daphne frowns.

"Dogs and cats can co-exist."

"I know they can, but what if ours don't get along?"

"We'll figure it out." Alexandra laughs.

"If we get a cat, can it at least be black cat?" Daphne asks.

"Why would it be any other color?" Alexandra remarks making Daphne laugh.


"C'mere, Binx." Daphne calls to the golden retriever who runs into the kitchen. She fills the dog bowl with his food, the four legged immediately chowing down. "Good boy."

"Have you seen Luna anywhere?" Alexandra asks, walking into the room.

"No." Daphne shakes her head. "She's probably hiding under the bed again. She loves to do that."

"Right." Alexandra goes to the bedroom. "Found her!" She yells after a few moments.


Daphne opens the door after somebody knocks. Billy stands there, eyes widening slightly at his sister's dressed up state.

"Wow." He mutters.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing. No. It just-- you look amazing, Daffy. Shit, aren't you supposed to be five years old?" He weakly laughs, ignoring her how his eyes start to sting.

Daphne quietly laughs, looking down at her dress.

"Is, uh... is everything set up?" She asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, no, it-- it's all... good to go. Including me and-- and you and-- and the whole... walk down the aisle thing." Billy says.

"Great." Daphne smiles. "You gonna cry?" She teases.

"Not unless you make me." Billy sniffles, quickly trying to compose himself. "Oh, fuck me." He mutters, feeling it get harder.

"It's okay to cry, tough guy." Daphne chuckles.

"You look beautiful... and like an adult." Billy frowns at the last part.

"Well... you have my permission to call me your baby sister even when we're in our 80s." Daphne says, patting his head. "Besides you grew up first. You're an actual dad now. Not just a surrogate one."

"Yeah... she scares me more than any of you ever did, though." Billy says making Daphne laugh.

"You're amazing. Don't worry. She'll only try to kill you when you piss her off." Daphne smiles.

"Fuck you." Billy tells her making her laugh more. "Come on, bride... or, well, one of the brides."

~ ~ ~

"You may now kiss your wife."

Daphne grabs Alexandra's face, pulling her into a deep kiss, the small group clapping and letting out a few cheers.


Daphne and Alexandra sit on the couch, their orange cat, Dorothy, and their Yorkshire Terrier, Timmy, both lying on the couch with them. They're watching a marathon of horror movies, Timmy finding solace in Daphne's stomach when he doesn't like certain parts of the movie.

"You know, if we died right now... I'd be pretty content." Alexandra says, smiling at her wife.

"Yeah. Yeah, me, too." Daphne smiles. "And we'd get to see our families again. The older ones, obviously." Alexandra hums.

"Well... when the time comes." Alexandra says, kissing Daphne's cheek. "For now... Michael Myers has all of our attention."

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