050. love spell

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"Alright. We've got "Principia Phantasmagoria."" Dean tosses a book on the table. "We have "Archive of the Unnatural Occurrences."" He throws another book down. "And we've got "Jower et Nuet." Kind of a weird name."

""Jour et Nuit." It's, uh, it's French. It means "The Book of Day and Night."" Sam explains.

"Fancy. So, this is everything that even mentions some alternate realities. So there's gotta be something here that talks about the apocalypse world, right?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, maybe." Sam says.

"Dude." Dean says.

"I'm just saying, Dean, Jack was our way over there, obviously, so with him gone..." Sam says.

"Okay, well, Jack's been gone before. We found him once. We can find him again." Dean says.

"No, no, he didn't run away. He is literally in an alternate reality." Sam says.

"Yeah, I mean, if we haven't found Billy and your mom by now, we're not gonna find him very easily either." Daphne comments. "Plus wherever the fuck Libby's supposed to be."

"Okay, so we'll just come up with a plan B, okay? You said it yourself. We just keep our heads down and we'll do the work." Dean says.

"You said that."

"And I was right. Yeah. So you read, do your Sam thing. I'm gonna go for a beer run." Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam says.

"We should probably loop Cas in at some point."

"We'll fill him in when he calls. He checks in every day."

"Yeah, with a bunch of questions and no leads."

"I'm sure he's doing the best he can. Just go get beer or..." Sam waves Dean off.


Libby is sitting in the cell, Lucifer in a cell next to her and Cas is on the other side of Lucifer. A demon walks by the cells.

"Huh, I always through you'd have a bigger stick." The demon remarks to Lucifer.

"What's your name again?" Lucifer asks.

"They call me Dipper."

"And you let them?" Lucifer laughs. "Listen, Dipper, it's not the size of the stick, it's how you use it."

"Funniest thing, I'm always hearing that from guys with... little sticks."

Lucifer sarcastically laughs. Libby hears him grab the cell bars and then get electrocuted.

"Smooth. We gave the warding a little kick. Just for you." The demon walks out.

"Thanks. So considerate. Appreciate that a lot." Lucifer yells out. "You're not nice, and I don't like you. You're treating me like an every day angel! And if I had just a little more power, I could tear this place apart! Justin sayin'."

Libby hears him grunt in pain after touching the bars again.

"You don't have that power, and they know it." Cas says.

"Okay, well, if somebody would be a pal and let me eat a little of his grace, I would have enough strength to get out of here and butcher that son of a bitch!" Lucifer yells.

"Well, that's a nice, horrifying plan. Little cannibalism." Cas comments.

"Really? I seem to remember a certain somebody snacking on angel grace once upon a time." Lucifer says. "There is no "I" in "team," Castiel. I want you to remember that." Cas doesn't say anything. "Fine, whatever. I can wait. Asmodeus was my weakest creation."

this is me trying, spn [ 3 ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz