083. sacrifices

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"I'm sorry, you want me to stay?" Larissa asks.

"You're safe at the school -- you and the kids." Sam says.

"And I'm just supposed to let you go and risk your life?" Larissa asks.

"Yes." Sam nods and Larissa rolls her eyes. 

"Why can't I go and you stay?" Larissa questions.

"Because I'm not breastfeeding." Sam says. "That's part of it, we could be in the middle of a spell and-- and your boobs could leak or something. I won't do that."

"I'm not sure if you're insinuating I'm useless or not." Larissa says.

"No. No, you're not useless. You-- and I love your body. I love your beautiful, beautiful body, every inch of it. But you guys are safer here... and I'm not capable of feeding Liam when he gets hungry because we don't have any bottles of milk filled up."

Larissa huffs.

"Fine." She grumbles. "Just don't die on me. I'll kill you."

"Promise." Sam softly kisses her and then kisses her on the forehead. "Jacob's staying back with the twins so you'll have somebody to hang out with."

"Yippee." Larissa mutters.


They get to their hideout in the cemetery from the other day. They walk past the rift and go into the crypt, Sam locking the doors while Dean and Cas create salt lines around the place.

Rowena gets her stuff out and starts to perform her spell as something starts banging from the other side of the door.

"Looks like it's working." Sam says, getting a text from one of the hunters that are still by the neighborhood.

Rowena starts to breathe heavily as she seems to start struggling. The bowl clatters to the floor and Rowena falls down.

"Rowena?" Dean asks.

"We're all going to die." Rowena states, terrified. "Drink." She orders.

"Of course. Dean." Sam says, Dean handing him a water bottle.

"A real drink." Rowena states.

Dean gives her his flask, somewhat reluctantly, and Rowena takes a drink of the alcohol.

"Okay, now that we're waiting for the witch's hooch to kick in, can we finally admit the obvious?" Belphegor asks. "Uh, she failed. So if we're keeping scores, that's, uh, 1 for the demon, uh, 0 for the witch."

"The enchantment couldn't work. No magic could. The spell put me into a-a communion with the wall. I-I could feel how weak it is, how close to collapse-- and I could feel why. I could feel them. All of them." Rowena states.

"All of them? Them who?" Sam asks.

"The spirits. Their anger and their hatred, writhing and raging. They're pressed up against those walls breaking them down. There are too many, and they're too wild and desperate and angry." Rowena explains. "Together, they are too strong. Those walls will fall, and there's no magic on earth that can stop it."

"How long do we have?" Cas asks.

"Hours, if we're lucky." Rowena answers.

"Then we get out of here and we take out as many as we possibly can before those walls fall. Rowena, mix up some of those crystals you got." Dean says and Rowena laughs.

"It wouldn't matter! Those things? It would be like tossing mousetraps at the Great Plague. I'm telling you -- it's over!" Rowena declares.

"Perhaps if I'd gotten here sooner, there are any number of spells I could've tried to close the gate to Hell before it got to this point. But now it's too late. The cat's out of the bloody bag." Rowena states.

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