016. hallucinations

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They walk into a garage where the driver of the SUV is working on a car. Ophelia is carrying Athena.

"Jamie Ross?" Cas asks.

"Who's asking?" Jamie asks.

"The blonde woman that you drove yesterday, what was her name?" Cas asks.

"Blonde? Sorry, mate, you got the wrong--" Jamie is cut off by Cas headbutting him twice. Ophelia flinches, holding Athena closer. Natalie notices, moving closer and gently squeezing her oldest niece's arm.

"Cas!" Dean yells.

"That's an angel?" Mary asks.

"Blonde. Name. Now." Cas orders.

"I-I-I don't know her name." Jamie says.

"What do you know?" Cas asks.


Toni walks into the room, Sam's right foot now effectively burned. Nathan has some cuts and bruises on him, but he wasn't given the blow torch.

"No one can take that much pain and not break. No one." Ms. Watt states.

"What are you saying?" Toni asks.

"I th-- ma'am, if you want them dead, then I'll slit their throats right now. But if you want to take this to the next level, you need to make a call. Bring in Mr. Ketch." Ms. Watt says.

"I don't want that psychopath anywhere near me."


"So... we stop trying to break his body. We break his mind." Toni says.


The siblings are left alone in the room.

"Okay, look... I know you're, like, ultra, super duper, insanely protective. Little too much sometimes, maybe. And I'm your baby sister and all... but whatever they do, no matter what they do... do not crack." Daphne tells her  brother.

"Daph..." Billy says.

"No, I'm serious. Don't-- I might die, but then at least we're not outing everybody who Sam and Rissa and them could know and who we're also friends with and possibly putting a hit out on them." Daphne says. "Promise, Billy."

Billy sighs as he looks at her.

"William." Daphne gives him a pleading look. Billy sighs through his nose, staring at his little sister, not even wanting to imagine what they could put her through.

"Fine. I promise." Billy mutters.

"Thank you." Daphne mumbles.

The door opens after a few minutes, Toni and Ms. Watt walking in.

"Anybody ready to give up information yet?" Toni questions. She just receives glares in return. "Put her on her back."

"I'm in a chair, how are you gonna--" Daphne screams as Ms. Watt knocks her chair back, her head thumping against the floor. Daphne cries out in pain.

"Daphne!" Billy yanks on his restraints.

"Oh, that's definitely a concussion." Daphne groans.

"Maybe this will get one of you to talk." Toni says, walking over with a piece of cloth and a jug of water. She hands the items to Ms. Watt.

"What are you doing?" Billy asks, fighting against the chains. "Hey!"

Ms. Watt ignores him as she places the cloth over Daphne's face. Daphne squeezes her eyes shut, feeling a few tears escape.

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