099. reunions

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They're on a deserted street and Dean meets them there, getting out of the Impala, the group looking around at the emptiness.

"Like a ghost town." Libby huffs.

"Everyone's gone. You see anybody on the way here?" Sam asks.

"No." Dean answers.

"I couldn't save anybody." Sam says. "Billie--"

"It wasn't Billie. It was Chuck." Dean states.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Where's Cas?" Jack suddenly questions.

"Dean?" Sam calls after his brother doesn't answer.

"He saved me. Billie was coming after us, and Cas summoned the Empty. It took her. And it took him. Cas is gone." Dean informs. "Where's the other half? Da-Daph and Billy?"

"Gone." Ophelia coldly states. "My husband, her husband, her boyfriend, the adopted siblings and their little powerful lovebirds. Everyone's gone." Her voice cracks a couple of times, the young woman looking at the ground as she tries to keep her tears in.

"This can't be happening." Sam says.

"It is, Sam. I think everyone's gone." Dean states.

"No." Natalie denies, calling Jody, praying for any answer. She calls the home phone, calls Alex, hell, even Claire might know something. She lets out a quiet growl and throws her phone on the ground when there's no answer.

"Athena and Liam. My-- my kids." Sam says. "They... the three of them." Sam feels tears prick his eyes again, barely able to hold back his tears.

Libby feels her heart stop when she realizes that they're gone too. Four of the most important people in her life gone just like that.

Natalie manages to take a deep breath, clenching her teeth, trying to save her breakdown for later.

"Jack, I'm sorry." Dean tells him.

They all start walking down the empty street. They walk into a diner, Jack staying outside, and there's music playing and the TV is showing an empty football field.

"It brings a whole new meaning to the term "sudden death."" Dean says.

"Dean, do you think we're it? All that's left?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. The six of us." Dean says.

"Hey." Jack walks in. "So, um, what now?"

"I did this. We could have just given Chuck what he wanted, you know, his grand finale. But I resisted. I pulled the thread. I thought we could beat this game, do it better. We tried to rewrite him and the whole world paid the price. Lissy and two of my babies paid the price." Sam says.

"Sam, we can--" Dean starts.

"We can what? There's nothing left, Dean. No one left to save. Everybody's gone." Sam states.

"You can't just give up." Jack says.

"What other choice do we have?" Sam questions.


"Think he'll show?" Sam asks.

"He better." Dean says.

"Hey, guys." They turn to Chuck. "Enjoying a little alone time?"

"Alright, Chuck. You win." Dean says.

"Well... sure. I always do. Me being me. Is that it or..." Chuck trails off.

"We'll give you what you want." Sam states. "That's right."

"The whole Cain and Abel thing. Us dead. Whatever. I'll kill Sam. Sam will kill me. We'll kill Nat or she'll kill one or both of us. We'll kill each other. Okay?" Dean says. "You pick. But, first, you got to put everything back the the way it was. The people, the birds, the rest of our family, Cas. You got to bring them back."

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