082. soul bomb

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Sam, Cas, Natalie, Jacob, and Larissa are in the school and where everybody is set up. Larissa is holding Liam and Sam is holding Athena's hand.

"I just don't know how much longer we can control them. I don't think they're buying the benzine story. I think... one man told me his wife, she's gone missing and--"

"Wait, wait. What? Who?" Sam asks, cutting Cas off.

"He said her name was Nan." Cas says.

"Alright, we'll find her." Sam assures. "Will you tell the hunters in the zone to keep an eye out?" He asks a hunter.

"Got it." The hunter nods.

"Thank you." Sam says as the hunter walks off. "Give me a minute." He tells them. "Stay with your mom." He tells Athena, ushering her towards Larissa. He walks to the front of the room. "C-can I have your attention? 'Scuse me! Um, can I have... excuse me! Can I have your attention, please?" He waits until everybody is paying attention.

"Great. First off, we expect to have you back in your homes shortly. Uh, EPA techs will be here tomorrow to determine the source of the elevated benzine levels and how to properly respond. In the meantime, it is essential you stay out of the quarantine zone until it's safe. Thanks. Any questions?"

Most of the crowd raises their hands, the three hunters and angel sharing clueless looks.

"Do we have to stay?" Athena asks.

"No. No, I'm super hungry. Let's go find a vending machine." Larissa says, dragging her daughter out.

"I'll help you." Natalie quickly follows her.


Sam is adding stuff to their bulletin board of information while Larissa and Athena are sitting at the table, Liam sleeping in his car seat. The teenagers and Billy are sitting at the table and the twins are asleep on makeshift pallets on the floor.

"I just think we need to tell the family something. I mean, we found his wife's body." Cas says.

"Cas, we will. When we can." Sam says.

"When we can?" Cas repeats.

"Cas, we have people outside that door who are barely keeping it together. We start talking murder--"

"Knock, knock!" They turn to see Rowena. "Am I interrupting something juicy?"

"No. Rowena, thanks for coming." Sam tells her.

"Winchesters, Burtons, Novaks. Castiel."

"What? A town full of ghosts. Messy even by Winchester standards." Rowena says.

"Well, you know Sam and Dean. Got to fuck up more shit than they did last year." Larissa says. Sam frowns at her and she smiles.

"You realize you're a Winchester, too, right?" Sam asks.

"Only by marriage, bro." Larissa scoffs.

"Bro?" Sam mumbles, frowning. "Wh-- okay. Uh... we're hoping you can help." Sam tells Rowena.

"Can you boys and girls do nothing on your own? Very well. What do you want?" Rowena asks.

"Remember a couple years ago when we were trying to get rid of Amara?" Sam asks.

"God's sister, aye. Sticky business, that." Rowena says.

"You made a crystalline device... a bomb." Cas says.

You want to blow up the ghosts?" Rowena questions.

"No. No. No, no. But the bomb was powered by souls. Souls that were sucked into it." Sam says.

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