104. billy and helena

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Billy and Helena lay in her bed as they make out, it slowly progressing to more.

"You know, so, uh, I-- I was thinking." Helena mumbles as Billy moves to her neck.

"Mm-hmm?" He hums, nibbling on her sweet spot making her moan.

"Ah-- I-- gimme a minute. I'm serious right now." Helena says making Billy pull away.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Well, you... I know that-- that almost everybody moved out of the bunker. You're kinda just there half the time. I mean, even Daph moved in with Alex a couple months back." Helena says.

"Yeah." He nods. "I mean, I go there for some shit every, like, two weeks or something. Why buy an apartment?"

"Right. Well, I-- I was thinking that... that maybe you... you could move in here. Like-- like full time?" Helena suggests.

"What?" Billy asks.

"I-- only if you want to, obviously." Helena says. "Or you can just live in some underground place. Which I will admit is kind of cool, but... I mean, it's only you and Dean, right?"

"Basically, yeah. And even then barely me." Billy says. "So you... you really want me to move in?"

"Yeah." Helena nods. "As long as you clean the bathroom."

"Aren't you a witch? Make some animals do it or some shit." Billy remarks.

"That's a Disney princess, dumbass." Helena retorts.

"I'll move in." Billy nods. "Yeah. Yeah, I'd really like that."

"Good." Helena says. "Now let's get back to the previous activity." She pulls him in for a kiss.


"You've been living here for a month and I'm pregnant." Helena glares at the man.

"Well, hey, I-I mean we do have sex, like, every day." Billy says. "Takes two to tango." Helena's glare hardens. "My love." He smiles, tucking some hair behind her ear.

Helena sighs, rubbing her face.

"Hey, look, we-- we don't have to keep the baby if you don't want. I mean, it is your body." Billy says.

"I'm keeping the baby." Helena says. "It's probably gonna have witch powers and even if I wanted to give it up, witches in orphanages or foster homes around normal people isn't exactly the smartest idea."

"Good point." Billy nods. "Wait, it's gonna be a witch? It-- it's gonna have powers."

"Yeah, probably. I mean, you can get powers if at least one of your parents are a witch. I'm a witch. Or the baby could be a boring human like you."

"Oh. Okay. Wow." Billy holds his hands up. "That's extremely offensive. I... I am so deeply hurt by that." He frowns, putting his hand over his heart. Helena tries not to smile, but can't stop the small laugh that escapes her.

"You are so lame." She laughs.

"Well, if lame makes you laugh, I'll be the lamest person on earth." Billy says, kissing her forehead.


Billy does the airplane as he tries to get his one year old daughter to eat.

"Come on, baby. You can do it." He cheers.

The young girl sneezes, the food flying off the high chair and a pan dropping to the floor.

"Oh, my--" Billy flinches, putting his hand on his chest to feel his rapid heartbeat. The girl giggles at his reaction, squealing in amusement. "Yeah, I'm sure it's hilarious. You know, you're just like your mom. Always laughing at me."

"We love you." Helena smiles, walking in.

"Yeah, yeah." Billy mumbles, waving her off, and Helena chuckles.

"Still won't eat oatmeal, huh?" Helena asks.

"Nope." Billy says. "Baby Eliana is anti-oatmeal."

"Eh. Whatever works. Least she eats carrots and other healthy things. Along with all the unhealthy things her dad loves supplying her with." Helena gives Billy an annoyed look.

"Hey, a life with no sweets is no life." Billy defends.

"Mm-hmm." Helena rolls her eyes. "Come on, baby." She picks Eliana up. "Let's get you cleaned up, hmm? We can make fun of daddy, too." She quietly says while walking out.

"I heard that!"

"I know!"


"Hey, no lighting people on fire or something!" Billy orders, chasing his three children as they rush out to the car.

"Can we make things fly to scare people?" Eliana hopefully asks.

"Yeah, I love freaking people out." Conrad grins.

"Only if it's somebody daddy could take in a fight and if nobody sees." Billy says. He immediately gets three different people cheering. "And you seriously concern me." He tells his son who giggles.

"C'mere, baby girl." Billy lifts his youngest into her car seat and buckles her up. "There you go, baby. Yeah, my little mini me. I know it sucks you can't freak people out, but maybe you won't be crazy like your big siblings."

"No, daddy." Genevieve giggles.

"Of course not." Billy mumbles. "Between your mom and your aunt, you're bound to freak me out whatsoever." He kisses her on the forehead.


"Witches who can date and drive." Billy mumbles, watching Genevieve leave for her first date. "Oh, God." He whines.

"Well, hey, least they know how to defend themselves. Anybody messes with them, they don't need to be afraid of you." Helena chuckles.

"Yeah. Least I won't go to jail for killing someone." Billy says. "Granted I still might if anybody hurts any of our children."

"They're fine. Relax." Helena tells him. "So... we want private adult time? All the kids are out. We haven't had that in a while."

"Oh, I love the way you think." Billy moans, Helena giggling as they go upstairs.


Billy and Helena watch their grandchildren run around and drag their own parents into their games. Billy works on grilling the burgers, plus a couple of veggie burgers.

"So... how you doing, human?" Helena asks.

"Pretty great." Billy nods. "Especially once I get food in my stomach." Helena laughs.

"You sound like your five year old grandson." Helena remarks.

"Hey, it's important to know when you're hungry." Billy says.

"Mm-hmm. You know, all these decades later and you're still so lame." Helena comments.

"You love me." Billy kisses her, Helena softly smiling at him.

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