098. four broken hearts

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Sam supports Jack as they rush into the map room, the others quickly following. Sam grabs a chair, helping Jack sit down.

"Jack, deep breaths. Just try to focus. Try to slow this down if you can." Cas says.

"What do we do? What do we do?!" Dean asks.

"I don't know." Sam says.

"You have to let me go. Just... just get me outside. I'll try to get as far away as I can." Jack says.

"Hell no." Larissa denies.

"Absolutely not." Jacob shoots the idea down.

"No!" Jack shouts. "Leave me. I can't stop this. I'm coming apart. I don't want to hurt you. Don't let me hurt you."

"Hey, hey, hey, we're not giving up on you, okay?" Dean tells him before turning to Sam. "Uh... magic. Magic. One of Rowena's spells or Helena. Come on, we've got to do something!"

"I think you've done enough." They turn to find Billie. "We were so close."

"Chuck saw it coming. All of it. Your whole plan." Dean says.

"It was doomed." Sam says.

"Because of you. It was doomed because of you." Billie says.

"You led Jack through his trials. You know what's happening to him. You can stop this. Please." Cas says.

"I can't stop it." Billie says. She waves her hand, Jack's chair turning to face her. "But there is something I can do." Billie says. She puts her finger under Jack's chin and lifts it. All of a sudden, he's gone, Billie's hand falling to her side.

"What did you just do?" Larissa asks. "What'd you do?!" She yells, going to Billie, but Sam grabs her and holds her back.

"Billie, where the hell is he?!" Dean asks.

"The Empty." Billie states.

"What?" Cas asks.

"Jack was a bomb designed to annihilate cosmic forces. Chuck and Amara are gone. The Empty was the only player on the board who could possibly absorb that impact." Billie says.

"So it's done." Cas says.

"It's done." Billie confirms.

"Is he dead?" Cas asks.

"Maybe." Billie answers.

"You said it was a suicide mission." Dean says.

"No, I said taking out Chuck and Amara would be fatal." Billie corrects.

"It's a chain reaction." Cas realizes.

"Mm-hmm. The Empty? It's different. Not as strong as Chuck or Amara, but... vast." Billie says. "But if Jack survives, and if The Empty survives? It's gonna be pissed."

"Okay, so The Empty is pissed. What does that mean?" Sam asks.

"The Empty is strong. It's got beef with me, especially after what I just did." Billie says.

"Oh, well, poor you." Dean falsely sympathizes.

"Good thing it can't reach me here." Billie says.

"Yeah, The Empty can't come to earth. Not without being summoned." Sam says.

"Wait, what about Jack? If he's alive?" Dean asks.

"You have to bring him back." Cas declares.

"Not until I get what I came for." Billie says, turning her attention to Sam. "Yeah, Sam. You took something that belongs to me. God's book."

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