058. detox

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"We have to help Libby before we do anything else." Sam states.


"It's not like we have an archangel anyway, Dean." He says. "We need to help Libby. Get her off the demon blood."

"Okay, so-- so we do what we did with you guys last time, but here. We lock her in the dungeon, make her quit cold turkey." Dean says.

"We're not locking up my 15 year old daughter in a dungeon, Dean!" Sam exclaims, glaring at his brother.

"Yeah, locking her up in a bedroom didn't go so smoothly either. I mean, she did almost jump out of a two story window." Natalie reminds. "And Sam didn't do too hot either locked up in a panic room. Also, speaking from experience of being locked in a room my entire childhood, it's not very helpful, no matter the circumstance."

"Well, we can't just have her roaming around, having any access to this stuff." Dean says.

"She doesn't have access to it. Lissy and I already got rid of all the blood. The only way she'd get anything is if she tracked down a demon and killed it herself." Sam says. "So we don't have to lock her up -- even if I would let you."

"She could be dangerous, Sam." Dean says.

"She hasn't done a single fucking thing to indicate she is! Yeah, she drank demon blood, but she isn't killing anybody or anything! And dangerous or not, she's still my kid!"

"Yeah, stellar parenting, by the way!" Dean shoots back.

"Fuck you, Dean!" Larissa yells. "You used your own eleven year old daughter as a weapon for your own personal gain. You've been insisting she's old enough to take care of herself should you ever die -- again -- since she was fucking six years old! If anybody's a shitty parent, it's you!"

"Now, is Sam a perfect parent? No. But he'd be incredibly stupid to take parenting advice from you."

"Said unstable child is gonna go." Ophelia quietly says, walking out of the room, not wanting to be in the tense and awkward atmosphere.

"Unstable boyfriend is gonna follow her." Nathan quickly catches up to her.

"This unstable child wants popcorn." Daphne says. Natalie smacks her in the arm. "What?" She mutters.

"We're not locking her up in the dungeon -- or anywhere. I will figure something out." Sam states before storming out.


"Hey." Libby turns at her uncle's voice. "Come with me."

"Where?" Libby asks.

"Just come with me." Dean tells her.

"Dad told me not to follow you anywhere while he and Rissy were in town." Libby says.

"Let's go." Dean grabs her arm and drags her out of the room. Libby stays silent as he leads her through the bunker until they get to the dungeon.

"Gotta show you something." Dean says.

"How you lock up a teenager?" Libby asks.

"Libby, just... look, this is in your best interest, okay?" Dean tells her.

"No, it's not. It's in your best interest." Libby argues.

"Just get inside." Dean orders.

"No. Dad's not locking me up, and you're not my dad, so I don't have to listen to you." Libby turns to leave, but Dean roughly yanks on her arm.

"Go inside." Dean shoves her into the room. "Just until you're sober."

"Right." Libby scoffs. She rolls her eyes as Dean shuts the secret doors. "Dean!"

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