077. game night

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Daphne, Larissa, Libby, Ophelia, Natalie, Jacob, the little kids, and Dean are in the library while Dean attempts to make Mousetrap work.

"Come on." Dean mutters. "Son of a bitch!"

"You suck at this." Ophelia says.

"Shut up." Dean grumbles, pouting.

"Why am I here?" Daphne asks.

"For some good, old family bonding time, Tigger." Dean says making the girl roll her eyes.

"Still don't see why I'm here." Daphne grumbles.

"Cause sometimes all you need is a little bit of quality time with loved ones to stop being so angsty."

"I'm only here because you confiscated all my fake IDs." Daphne mutters.

"You will thank us one day." Dean says making her roll her eyes.

Billy, Nathan, Mary, and Jack are in the kitchen and prepping the snacks.

"Do you think we have enough?" Mary asks.

"Son of a bitch!" They hear Dean's shout from the other room.

"This should be fun." Billy mutters.

"I thought this was supposed to relax him." Jack says.

"Um, it will... I hope." Mary says. "I just thought it would be nice to stay in for a change. You know, this was his favorite game when he was little. How about you? Feeling better?" She asks Jack.

"Everybody keeps asking me that." Jack says.

"We're family. It's our job." Mary smiles.

"Well, it's annoying." Jack states.

"Awkward." Nathan quietly sings, Billy quietly snickering.

"Jack... if you ever want to talk or vent--" Mary says.

"You're here. I know." Jack says.

"All right." Mary says and Jack leaves.

There's a knock on the door making most of them look at it in confusion.

"Sammy wouldn't knock." Larissa says.

"Libs, go get the door." Dean says.

"Why me?" Libby asks.

"Cause if it's a monster, I ain't gonna die first." Dean says. Libby rolls her eyes, but gets up and goes up to the door. She opens it, freezing when she spots Ethan.

"Hey." Ethan says.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Libby asks.

"You... you texted me." Ethan says.

"No, I didn't." Libby denies.

"Yeah, you did." Ethan nods, taking his phone out and showing her to the text.

We're having a game night. Wanna come?


Come by around 7 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

"I never sent that. Whoever did doesn't know me. I would never send that many emojis, that's disgusting." Libby says. "Besides why would I send kissing emojis to the most annoying person on the planet?"

"Oh, well, for somebody so annoying, you sure enjoy making out with me." Ethan remarks.

"It's all physical attraction, baby." Libby smirks, Ethan letting out a small laugh. "But seriously, I never texted you."

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