092. worthless

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"I still don't like it." Sam says.

"Which part? Jack's deal with Death? Or the part where she's got him eating angel hearts?" Dean asks.

"Uh, both." Larissa says.

"The hearts were disturbing." Cas says.

"So, what's next? We're just supposed to trust her?" Sam asks.

"Well, apparently Billie's got Jack on a need-to-know, which not a shock. We've made deals with cosmic players before... cards up ain't their style." Dean says.

"Jack still doesn't have a soul. And now he's been in the Empty for months. I mean, we have no idea where his head is right now." Sam says.

"Well, I have my concerns, but... Jack trusts Billie, and I trust Jack." Cas says.

"But what about cosmic balance, Cas? I mean, Jack's gonna kill God? What about Amara?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Dean says, standing up. "I don't know. But I have seen Billie's library, and I have spent time with her. I... well, trust is a strong word, but... I believe in her. There's no one more committed to the rules than she is. She's probably got it all figured out."

"Probably? Like she had the Ma'lak box figured out?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, I dunno. I mean, she's still Death. She was right about Rowena." Dean says.

"All I'm saying is, I wish we knew more." Sam says.

"Yeah, I got questions too, but right now this is the only plan we got."

"Right." Sam says. He sighs and walks out.

Larissa gets up, following her husband out.

"Sammy?" She calls, jogging to catch up with him.

"I'm fine, Lissy. I just-- I'm checking on Jack." Sam says.


"I'm checking on Jack."

Larissa silently follows him to Jack's room.

"Okay. I'll do it." They hear Jack say from inside his room and they stop outside the door. "Everything she asks." Sam gives Larissa a confused look and she shrugs.

"Jack?" Sam knocks on the door. He opens the door, stepping in. "Hey."

"Hey." Jack greets as the couple walk in.

"Uh, who were you talking to?" Sam asks.

"Uh, no one." Jack says.

"That's cool. I talk to myself all the time." Larissa says.

"Yeah. Hey, uh, I-I just, uh... wanted to check in on you, make sure you're settling in okay." Sam says.

"I am." Jack nods.

"Good. Good. We're all just, uh-- we're just--" Sam tries.

"We're extremely happy that you're back." Larissa says since Sam seems to be struggling.

"Right. Yeah, exactly. You know that, right?" Sam asks and Jack nods. "And-- and you know that... you could've come to us first, Jack. We would've helped you."

"I know." Jack says.

Sam nods and gives Jack a small smile before leaving. Larissa smiles at Jack, gently patting his cheek before she leaves.

Larissa follows Sam to their bedroom and quietly sighs when he sits on the bed.

"You still fine?" Larissa asks.

"Aren't I always?" Sam asks.

"You're hilarious." Larissa remarks and Sam smiles a little. She walks over and stands in between his legs, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Seriously, though. And don't lie."

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