048. wayward sisters

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It's been a few days and Jody and Larissa haven't heard from any of the Winchesters, Nathan, or Daphne. They've each tried to call them multiple times, but they never pick up.

"Hey. Sam, could you call me back?" Jody asks as there's a knock on her door. "I just need to know that you're okay." She hangs up, going to the door. Jody's eyes widen at Ophelia on the other side of the door.

"Hi." Ophelia weakly smiles.

"Ophi? Are you okay?" Jody asks, glancing over the girl in concern. Ophelia just hugs Jody. "I-- okay. Hey." Jody hugs her back, rubbing her back.

"What's going--" Larissa stops at her niece. "Ophi? Hey, wha-- what happened? You all right?"

Ophelia shakes her head as she sniffles.

"It-- it's a really long story." Ophelia says.

"We got the time." Jody says, leading the girl inside and shutting the door.

"Hey, hey. Come here." Larissa wraps an arm around Ophelia, leading her into the living room. "Sit down." She urges the girl to the couch, sitting down next to her.

Jody walks over and sits on the coffee table in front of them.

"First off -- are you hurt?" Larissa asks.

"No. No, I'm-- I'm fine." Ophelia says.

"Okay." Larissa sighs in relief.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Jody asks.

"I don't-- I'm not even sure I know." Ophelia says.

"I'll, uh... take the kids back to do some coloring." Alex says, picking Athena up.

"Thank you." Larissa tells her. Alex nods, leading the twins back to the bedroom that they, Athena, and Larissa have been sleeping in.

"Just tell us what you know." Jody says.

"Well, so, after dropping them off here, we-- we went to where you told us to go. You know, where the guy had a very angel-y death. And, well, he was a dreamwalker and Jack used him to try to find Mary, Billy, and Libby. But he wasn't strong enough to hold the connection to the other world so he couldn't reach them. So he left and then the angels killed him. The dude, not-- not Jack."

"We found out about another dreamwalker, Kaia, and we found her at a rehab center, but Jack was also there cause he broke them out cause she's supposedly strong enough to get to the others, even though the only place she ever really goes is something she calls the Bad Place."

"So after we saved her from angels and dad... managed to get her into the car... we were gonna go to the Wind Caves since there's, like, a stronger connection there or-- or thinner veil to the other worlds or something. But we got found by angels and we were stuck in this ship and there were too many angels who were all gonna kill us, obviously, cause they're angels."

"But while Jack was using Kaia to dreamwalk, they-- they lost focus or something and I don't know what happened. There was this bright ass light and I couldn't see anything. I tried to grab onto Nathan or somebody, but I couldn't find them. And then next thing I know, I'm waking up on the side of the road near the ship and I'm completely alone."

"So I don't know where Jack is or Kaia o-or Uncle Sammy, Aunt Natty, Uncle Jacob, or Nate, Daphne, dad, they could anywhere. They-- they could be dead." Ophelia states.

"Okay, okay, hey, hey. It's okay. Breathe." Jody softly instructs.

"I-I need Nathan. He has to be okay." Ophelia hiccups.

"He will be. I'm sure he's okay. Just-- just try to breathe right now, honey." Larissa says, rubbing her shoulder.

Ophelia thinks of Nathan, her mind digging for good memories. His laugh, his smile. The mischievous look in his eyes whenever he's about to say or do something that'll annoy somebody. How he hums to himself when he's doing something like making food or picking up his room. His constant "I love you's," how he always steals her chapstick.

this is me trying, spn [ 3 ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ