106. ophelia and nathan

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"Nate, I'm seven months pregnant. We gotta figure out names now. I don't want our baby to be nameless for however long after they're born cause we procrastinated." Ophelia says.

"Okay, okay, okay. Uh... how about... Ophelia for a girl." Nathan says.

"No. We're not doing the whole Jr. thing, bro, too much work." Ophelia says.

"Um... we could use our middle names." Nathan says.

"Can we actually put some thought into this, please?" Ophelia begs.

"That is some thought. I love your middle name. Evangeline is beautiful. It's like a princess name. She can be our little princess." Nathan smiles.

"She's already gonna be your little princess." Ophelia chuckles.

"I know." He grins.

"We could name a girl Claire. Do a sibling thing. Not that any of our siblings are dead, but..." Ophelia shrugs.

"What are you, nuts? I'm not boosting that woman's ego." Nathan says making Ophelia laugh.

"Okay. Okay, Claire is out." She chuckles. "Well, if it's a boy, do you wanna name it after your dad or something? Or a girl after your mom?" Ophelia asks.

"Not really. No." Nathan shakes his head. "No, uh... I think parents are out. You know, we are, like, some of the top examples for mommy and daddy issues, so..." He clicks his tongue, giving two thumbs up. "I mean, unless you do wanna name a son Dean, then--"

"No." Ophelia shakes her head. "No. No way in hell."

"You know, well... throw me through the wall if this offends you cause it's kind of dark." He tells her. "But one perk to your father being dead is that he officially can't get anywhere near this baby. We had the anxiety he'd find us and find out, but he died being clueless."

"Yeah." Ophelia smiles a little.

"Sorry. I-- I know that it was morbid and you're not, like, super duper healed or anything. Baby, I--"

"No. No, you're-- it's okay." Ophelia tells him. "There is that relief that... our kid will never know the toxicity of Dean Winchester. Or John Winchester for that matter. Already a better childhood than mine."

"So then what's with the thinky face? That's your anxiety face." Nathan says, sitting next to her.

"Just... what if I'm like my dad?" Ophelia asks. "What if I-- I turn into him at some point or something? Or like his dad?"

"Hey." Nathan cups her cheek. "That's never gonna happen."

"But how do we know?" Ophelia sniffles.

"Because neither of us are gonna let it happen." Nathan states. "You know what not to do and you hate everything those two did so you know you're gonna be different. You're gonna be like Nat and Sam and even though you were raised shitty, you're gonna parent in an incredibly amazing way. You're never gonna hurt this kid or any possible future kids."

"But what if it's some genetic thing to be a total jackass?" Ophelia sniffles, Nathan wiping any of the tears that fall.

"It's not. Your aunt and uncle are proof of that. You didn't have the best parent, but you have great parental figures. That's who you take after. You take after those four, not your dad. So, trust me, you are going to rock this whole mom thing, all right?"

"And I'm gonna rock the whole dad thing. I'm not gonna let a damn thing possess me and ditch my family in the process. I'm never leaving any of you -- ever."

"And if either of us get out of line or start to act like our parents, we'll just knock some sense into each other."

"How?" Ophelia asks.

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