Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

I did say grab anything important but the other folders are just descriptions of how shipments went and some of the people they trafficked, I would look deeper into them but they all say they are deceased.

"What are we going to do with Alejandro?" Jasmine asks as my body stiffens up the name and fire burns.

"You aren't going anywhere near him. In fact, give me your phone because you're done texting him." I tell her, watching her face scrunch up in confusion.

"What? No. You need me to help you take them down." She scoffs.

"I'll find a different way, I don't want you thinking, texting, or being near him. I shouldn't have asked you to do it in the first place." I tell her, clenching my jaw.

"It's fine, Roman. You don't get to make decisions for me. If I say I can do this then I will. There's no point in arguing because there is no other way." She softens her voice before standing up and straddling my lap.

"Just make sure he dies." She mumbles before pulling my head towards her so she could kiss me.

My hands grab her soft hips as our lips tangle around each other. A soft sigh escaping my lips as she kisses me slowly.

"Ansley and Luis incoming!" Ralph shouts, barging into my office.

Jasmine gets off my lap and sits on the desk in front of me with my hands moving to her thighs. Although Ansley and Luis know about us, she still doesn't want them to see us in a compromising position.

"Roman! We have to go!" Ansley yells, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Go where?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows as I look at at Jasmine who just shrugs.

"It's movie time and I want to watch the Little Mermaid!" She exclaims, running to me before grabbing my hand and starts to pull.

"Come on!" She groans, pulling harder as I sit back and watch her struggle.

I glance towards Jasmine to see if she's watching this but instead I watch as Jasmine pushes hair off of Luis's forehead, pulling his head down so she could kiss it. She mumbles something to him that makes him nod before tucking his head into her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her.

The kid probably has severe abandonment issues but I love watching how Jasmine treats him. She's always been a good mother but the way she looks at Luis as if he was one of her own, makes me excited for our future together.

I'm probably biting off more than I can chew but I can't not think about the possibilities. Does she want to have another kid? Does she want to have it with me?

"Okay, come on, baby." I sigh dramatically as I put Ansley over my shoulder, hearing her squeal and laugh.

I kiss Jasmine's head before nodding towards Luis then walking out of my office.

"Bye, Mami! Bye, Luis!"
"How do you feel about Luis, baby?" I ask her softly, making her glance towards me with a wild smile.

"Mami said that Luis is like my brother and he's the best big brother ever! He's always tickling me and chasing after me!" Ansley giggles, looking at me with a shimmer in her eyes.

"That's good, baby." I tell her, kissing her hair before looking back to the TV but I can see Ansley keep glancing at me from the corner of my eyes.

I kept my head straight, knowing something is probably bothering her and she'll tell me eventually.

She glances at me again before sighing. "Roman, I have a question." She mumbles.

"What is it?" I furrow my eyebrows as her fingers start to play with each other and she starts working herself up until there are tears in her eyes.

My eyes widen as I start to immediately think of the worse. Has something happened to her? Is she being hurt by someone? Who do I need to kill?

"A-all of my friends have daddies and I don't. Mami said that she'll talk to y-you but then Luis came and Mami was s-sad. It's okay though because I think I can a-ask." Her words slightly stutter with choked sobs.

I quickly pull her to my chest, rubbing my hand down her hair as I try my best to soothe her. "You can ask me anything, baby. You know you can." I tell her, feeling her relax and her sobs turn into quiet sniffles.

"Will you be my daddy?" She asks quietly, not moving her head from my chest.

I freeze momentarily before continuing so she wouldn't start crying. Her daddy? I don't know if Jasmine would be okay with that.

"How about I call your Mami in here and then we can talk about this together?" I ask, feeling her nod.

I quickly send Jasmine a text, telling her to come to the living room and that it's urgent.

It took less than three minutes before she's sprinting in here, looking at me laying in the couch with Ansley laying on top of me worriedly

"What's wrong?" She asks as her eyes bounce around us, searching for the issue. Maybe I shouldn't have told her it was urgent.

"Nothing." I say, hiding my small smile before patting the spot between me and the backrest of the couch.

She looks at me confused before climbing over Ansley and I, laying in the spot before resting her head on my chest beside Ansley's as I wrap and arm around her.

"I was wondering if Ansley could call me dad?" I ask, not throwing Ansley under the bus, knowing she was nervous enough about it.

Jasmine looks up at me with raised eyebrows in question before I give her a look saying that I'll explain what happened later.

"Is this what you want?" She asks, placing her head back down.

"I would be honored." I say honestly.

"Is this what you want, my baby?" She asks Ansley as I feel Ansley lift her head from my chest.

"Yes, Mami." She mumbles shyly.

"Okay, then it's fine." Jasmine says, kissing Ansley's forehead then kissing my jaw before settling back into the couch.

A weird protective feeling fills my body as they both relax into my chest, Ansley going back to watch her movie while Jasmine closes her eyes and I couldn't help but feel like this is becoming my perfect little family.

My girls wrapped in my arms.

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