Porsche continues walking and then starts to run. He wants to get as far away from the man who broke his heart, why did he even trust a man in the first place? He should have never even gone on this mission. Why would he go on a mission with someone all his co-workers despise?

He continues running. He hears Vegas run after him and yell at him to stop but he doesn't stop. He won't not until he is out of this forest.

"Porsche stop!" Screams Vegas behind him, vegas had started to panic even more.

He ran after Porsche as fast as he can till he finally manages to catch up with him. He grabs Porsche's shirt and then his shoulder. 

Porsche tries to shake Vegas's hand off his shoulder and starts running even faster but Vegas had already swung him against a tree. 

"I told you to stop running!" screams Vegas out of anger. 

"Let go you fucking asshole," yells Porsche while trying to push Vegas's hands off him. 

He doesn't know what to expect from Vegas but he didn't expect him to suddenly throw himself on Porsche. Vegas starts to kiss Porsche on the lips despite Porsche clearly being against it. This doesn't stop Vegas and he continues to go down again.

He kisses Porsche's neck and starts to create hickeys while Porsche is trying to push him off by slapping him. Vegas doesn't budge and keeps going.

After a while, Vegas finally stops.

"Remember when I did this in the hotel room? I truly love you, Porsche." 

"Get fucking off me!" screams Porsche as loud as he can. Tears have started to form in his eyes as he realises what Vegas is doing. 

Vegas still has his hands against Porsche's and is still pushing him against that tree, he knows that if he lets go Porsche will run away. 

"I said let fucking go!" Screams Porsche even harder while still trying to push him off. 

Vegas starts to kiss Porsche again as if it would change his mind. He finally let go of porsche but instead grabs his shirt and tries to pull it up. Porsche feels Vegas's hands on his bare chest and more tears escape his eyes.

He kicks Vegas in the stomach and he finally falls to the ground. He lands with a loud thud right onto a rock, making him whine in pain.

Porsche doesn't feel the slightest bit of guilt and runs away as fast as he can while pulling his shirt back down.

His heart is even more broken than it was before as the memories start to flood in. 

The time it happened before is still clear in his mind no matter how hard he tries to forget it. He will never forget how the hands of that old man touched him like he was just a toy. He still remembers the hate he felt towards men back then and yet he made the same mistake again.

Never had he told anyone about what happened back then, not even his little brother who he tells everything too. The only things he never told him are his job and that moment. 

He still hears Vegas behind him but the yelling gets softer and softer the further he runs away. Meaning that he probably is still laying on the ground after Porsche kicked him that hard. 

The stream of trees doesn't seem to end and the sun has started to lower. It's one of the shortest days of the year and yet he can't believe how fast the day went by. What will he do once it's dark? He can't just keep running since he will bump into everything and what if he gets attacked by an animal?

His feet hurt from the endless running and he stops to catch his breath.

Whenever he thinks back about what happened with Vegas, he feels tears coming up again.

"Fuck" he says to himself while trying to think of a way to get out of the forest fast. He doesn't even have the bag anymore since Vegas offered to carry it at the train station.

It gets darker and darker. Porsche continues to run even though his feet still hurt with every step he takes. The dark has overpowered the light and it's harder to see things now. He is about to give up when he hears something zoom above him.

It's a drone. He starts waving to get its attention and it works. The drone lowered and he sees a little post on the bottom. He grabs it and reads the short message on it.

'If you guys read this. Wait there we will find you.'

He sighs in relief and sits down. The drone has landed on the grass beside him but is still on, Porsche can tell from the little red light that blinks. It's probably a camera.

After around ten minutes. It's almost completely dark until Porsche finally spots a light in the distance. It looks like a flashlight and he hears yelling in the distance. 

Porsche immediately recognizes the voice. It's definitely Pete.


I hate this chapter so much:(

I knew ya'll were waiting for something to happen between Porsche and Vegas since they clearly shouldn't be together.

Luv ya'll<3

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